Ehhherrmmm...! =P
This has come to an emotion to me, since its my 2nd era with ABEL

...i will miss you guys, i really do, we all treat each other as a family...can i cry?? tears of joy..ahaha.. WE ROCK!! \o/ ABEL ROCKS! \o/
My P.Daddy (Pendrakis) N:1296 E:1386 you rock bro! thanks for all the help!
My Mummy!! Seven of Nine N:725 E:1090 *PooF!* Nyahahaha....

i'll miss you alot! *Hugs!* Love you...
My leader, my Eldest Brother, BTG represent N:713 E:744 ALL the way bro! all the way, i'd be an ABEL...
My backer, my mentor!! My younger brother, who founded me loitering around at F5...nyahaha....

Demon!! N:728 E:1507 TOLD YOU SO!! you'll never regret!! KEEP THAT SECRET!! *Tsk!* *Tsk!*
My partners in crime, my brotherhoods..nyahaha...

We rock!! as shown below:
Gorgon N:595 E:1877 We could have kick more arse at earlier tick bro..things just slowed down at mid tick,

would have done better..hehe!
Handle N:955 E:1527 bro! all i can think of is your the late bloomer! nyahahaha...(Late comer ppl dont get me wrong..hehe)
Lemmer N:1289 E:1133 ni hao mah?? =P hehe, always saving my arse! thanks for THE EVERYTHING BRO!!
Urzul of Makdnon UTOL!! N:2142 E:1894 Pucha! ma miss kta 2l! pwamis!! huhuhuhu..

his the quite one, BUT careful silent but deadly *Tsk!* *Tsk!*
Ahhhh...the twins:
Perry95 N:1486 E:989 and Sunmoon N:881 E:1304 same everything! no joke guys! they think alike! Annoying sometimes, but we love you guys!
Last but not the lease, the one and only flower boy..Oppz! Speedaboy! Speeeedy!! N:1083 E:1037 *PooF!* nyahahaha..jk! jk!
bwhaha..i will seriously miss you bro..

watch out for him, now you see him now you dont..hehe!
Neco, the Light, this is for you guys!! this is for you! RANK #1 ABEL ROCKS! If your out there! This is dedicated for you guys! i miss you bros...i will do..
to those who have fought, died, left, quit..thanks for the wonderful short time..BATTLESTAR!! If your out there, your one DAREDEVIL Brother i've ever known!!
BLack Opz..if your around! I GOT TIME!! I REPEAT! I GOT TIME!!
ABLE, ASEL, ABL, EYE,NPA,POOR,BROS, xXx, and to all those who help! i THANK YOU ALL! *MWAH!* hehe..
UNTD, nice try, better luck next time!
LIS/INS, as i mentioned to one of your player,Tristan, You guys deserved more than you did, compared to UNTD!! well done guys! well done! Good
luck next era if ever...WELL DONE!!
Finally, N:12824 E:15249 Admin Joe, i thank you all for everything! as in everything!

For banning Thoraxx N:1108 E:26779 nyahahaha...!

i thank you! You Rock bro..some how your always the admin at most world i join!

well done! you takecare!
AND TO ALL PLAYERS OF FANTASY 6!! TAKECARE NOW! ALL THE BEST OF LUCK AT BD & RL! remember, It's just a game! RL comes 1st! Nothing personal..
This is me...SoLdiErz of FoRtUnE Logging out!
PS: My bed miss me so much!