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 Post subject: IW betrayal of NAP to MOD
PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 1:54 am 
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MOD made a specific NAP agreement to IW leader irWind to keep watchtower as there eyes in south side in exchange not to attack MOD colony. The watchtower was located inside the MOD turf. Extremerage of IW suddenly attacked MOD colony even there is warning that there is existing NAP on MOD and IW. Leader Irewind even trying to message Xtremerage but Irewind said "weird he doesnt reply". Xtremerage even message me that "no u dont lol". IreWind message me "lol i guess he's offline right now" even he knows i told him xtremerage reply to my protest. The question is does NAP really exist in this game then why we have this term NON AGGRESSION PACT if somebody is betraying other alliances for the sake of there own advantage. No matter how strong you guys are. We don't have any respect. You won by cheating, misleading and betraying to conquer. This is a clear BETRAYAL OF NON AGGRESSION PACT. hopefully this guys will be banned for deceiving other alliances just to gain fame and winning the game. You maybe on the top of the boardlist IreWind and XtremeRage of IW but you cheated thats why your there. I have all the messages in my inbox and it is legitimate. Hope the admin can read this. Thank you.


 Post subject: Re: IW betrayal of NAP to MOD
PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 2:36 pm 
Lieutenant Major
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You made an agreement with them and they should have kept it, however, this happens a lot. A LOT of smaller alliances ask the stronger ones for NAP's and eventually it's too hard for members to get stronger if they're allied with everyone. Betrayal is a BIG part of this game. If your mad about it, then do something, but it isn't against the rules for someone to break a NAP. You can only hope they keep it.

Word of advice: Next time, make sure you have something to back up your NAP, whether it be strong allies, or your own power. It's the only way to enforce your NAP. The other has to see benefit in it for them, whether it be to keep a friendship, a strategic advantage, or because they're scarred of you

Gettin' real tired of your shi...


 Post subject: Re: IW betrayal of NAP to MOD
PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 2:55 am 
Second Lieutenant
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paragraphs man....paragraphs

Redwurm aka Launchpad McQuack aka President Skroob aka a bunch of other stupid names
I've been in a lot of alliances that have lost, and a couple that have won.


 Post subject: Re: IW betrayal of NAP to MOD
PostPosted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 9:35 pm 
Second Lieutenant
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Haha a little late to defend myself because i havent checked the forums. me and rewind were talking to each otehr while you were complaining about a fake NAP. He said HE wouldnt attack u if you didnt attack his op. he said nothing about his alliance.


As you can see in this pick they are yellow meaning nuetral and always have been.They rebelled free when i was busy but as u can see by my 18 soon to be 25 squads down there they wont yellow for long. ;)

Conqueres of Mars 4 Age 5 OC


 Post subject: Re: IW betrayal of NAP to MOD
PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:36 am 
Lieutenant Major
Lieutenant Major
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i like your girlsense quick tab

Gettin' real tired of your shi...


 Post subject: Re: IW betrayal of NAP to MOD
PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:22 pm 
Private 1st class
Private 1st class

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dear mod,

quit complaining on forums and just play the game



 Post subject: Re: IW betrayal of NAP to MOD
PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 7:28 pm 
Second Lieutenant
Second Lieutenant
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Haha came with the browser

Conqueres of Mars 4 Age 5 OC


 Post subject: Re: IW betrayal of NAP to MOD
PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 3:09 pm 
Lieutenant Major
Lieutenant Major
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sure :roll:

Gettin' real tired of your shi...


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