hey, we need a print on our upcomming mixtape and we need it kinda fast (by the start of next week) so i thought, who is better to do this then the pros at battledawn

What i need is just some simple text, or you can edit the picture as long as you can stil recognise it.
the text i need is "Sx3" or "The Sx3 Crew" and "Fem For En Femmer"
Sx3 is the name of my rapping group
Fem for en femmer is the name of the mixtape and mean Five for a fiver, we are selling the mixtape for 5 kroner (the norwegian money) which is around 50p or 1$, because of that we put a 5 kroning on th CD, but I need help with any editing and adding text, so i hope you can help me!


Thank you Michael
Thank you developers
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