I will be playing one server in the near future. ONLY ONE. lol
Please post here or P.M. me if you'd like me to play alongside you.
I will be on a 1 tick world, (Perferably not Mars but w/e) and will join your team upon era reset.
I'm a good player, I do use SOME reds, i'm very active, a fun guy.... blah blah blah. Usually I lead my own alliance (iS) but this time I just wanna be on a good team. *Note GOOD team, don't ask if this will be your first go-round.*
Okay let's see... about me....
Was Player of the Month last March.
I've been playing BD on and off for the past 4 or 5 years. (I'm coming back from a 4 month vacation)
I've got 29/32 Achievements Because 50 ufo's take forever, Nobody dares to shoot 50 nukes at me, and if they were to consider it, i'd take them out with waay less than 100 nukes.
I like to have fun.
I'm against sub abuse, mulites, farming, and the like. Personally I feel 2 sub max if you must have them.
I've only ended a round outside of the top 3 alliances once, Yet still haven't managed to actually win a round.

Because my team usually does something dumb like take on the whole world since we're in first or second.
So yeah. Send me a msg if you'd like me on your squad.
and we'll talk.