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 Post subject: Zammorak of Daishima Resume
PostPosted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 7:43 am 

Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 7:03 pm
Posts: 2
Gender: male
Hey,I used to be known as Zammorak of Daishima.

I decided to join the next round,though I'm in need of an alliance of active and strong members.

I have Ethics,I do not want an alliance that cheats,so please don't get me involved with one.

Here's a history of me.

Alliance History
World Era Alliance Name Rank
Earth 1; Era 1 (Beta): AKF,TK Rank 20-30
Earth 1; Era 2: KoH
Earth 1: Era 3: JF Top 5, Entil Elimination
Earth 1: Era 4: TK Top 3, Until Elimination
Earth 1: Era5: MsFt Top 5
Mars 2,Era 5 or 6: TBH Rank 1

*Most of my games were played in Earth 1,the most competitive server on Battledawn. Ranks have much more value than in mars servers.

Personal Data:

Largest Army: 540

Most Conquers: 42

Log In/Day: 5-8

Highest Rank: 8

Most Crystals: 22-30

Number of Donations Overall: 6

Extra Information:
I am tactically and technically proficient. I understand the ethics of battle dawn along with its game mechanics such as the Battle System, Coordination of Ticks, Political Process of Diplomacy. I have Co-Lead an alliance of over 150 individuals in Templar Knights. I understand leadership and followership. I can be online at any time,just give me a tick and I'll handle the rest. There have been times where i went nights without sleep just because of Battledawn.I am planning on donating this round.

Please,I do not want an alliance that...
All Talk, No Game


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