yep i decided to call you out toot
i had respect for you as your a good player a good leader and honourable
now this round u seem to do a backflip and lost my respect forever
1st - calling me a backstbber - though our nap ended 80 ticks prior to our first attack
2nd - backstabbing - leaving your alliance and taking their crystals
3rd relocating - we win the war fair and square and you take the crystals and try pass them off to another alliance ...
4th bad sport - jees everyone has to loose one day toot ... i dont know why u were so beat up about it take it on the chin and keep playing
5th ditching - you had 360 mechs , you could have done some hurt to us were the only strong meow player ... instead of defending you took your tanks and flew them as far away as you could
6th vacation - you have yet to enter but i will wait for it ... you keep threatening it on msn so just do it already ... seal the deal and be known as an ultimate noob by abusing vacation we all know ur up to it

have a nice day toot ... im glad i had the chance to totaly destroy meow