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 Post subject: 4E and multis
PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:32 pm 
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So 4e wanted to go to war with RAR. NO problem, war is good and fun when both sides play fair. When the war started an alliance called STAR had three members inside the 4E hive, and one other noob that wasn't doing much. Only four members. One night, by some miracle and in a matter of hours, STAR some how filled up their alliance with brand new accounts, (0 achievement) and located these "themselves" right in between RAR and 4e hives. The 3 original STAR members are located in 4E hive and.....are not conquered by 4E but all the other STAR members are or were. Then, im sure you all know what happened next, we were bombarded by STAR spam. The activity times for these two is identical too.

I put up a BC and the ADMIN must have see it because now 1 member so far is banned from 4E and three "new" players from STAR have been banned. It seems the Admin is on it but this crap needs to stop. We have to have more than just a 24 hour ban for multi accounts that are BLATANTLY being used by some in times of war. I think a BAN for the ERA is in need. 4E has had at least one banned member the whole ERA.

Everybody knows about this way of cheating and its been around for a long long long time. IF you ban people for 24 hrs its a wrist slap and later in the ERA they just use the same trick over and over again. BA them for at least an ERA in a world, eventually when they only have one word left to play, they might slow it down a bit.

your not gonna see any rebuttals from 4E i assume since the ones i have written accusing them of this have declined to respond as have the "new" STAR members.

SO if you see RAR fall in this war, unfortunately its not cause we suck, which we would accept, its cause we are getting hosed by cheaters.


 Post subject: Re: 4E and multis
PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 4:38 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: 4E and multis
PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:08 pm 
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unfortunately we have no screen shots. the only evidence we can show are the banned members of 4E and STAR and the wasteland of banned colonies from their hive to ours.


 Post subject: Re: 4E and multis
PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:12 pm 
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I believe we have some screen shots of STAR spam battle reports, but not sure, and we certainly do have a battle report of 4E attacking us after 3 or 4 ion cannon shots on us by STAR.



 Post subject: Re: 4E and multis
PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 5:20 pm 
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It's the sad truth. The best way to deal with cheaters like these is to kick their ass no matter how badly they cheat. It will make them feel even worse about themselves. They can't even win while cheating.


 Post subject: Re: 4E and multis
PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:06 am 
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I wish RAR good luck against their enemies. :)


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 Post subject: Re: 4E and multis
PostPosted: Thu Mar 01, 2012 4:49 pm 
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admin caught up to them but the damage was done. IIona has offered us some compensation of sorts and we are working with her on wrapping up this whole mess. 4E are cheaters and thats all you can do. It sucks we lost everything but its a compliment to know that people have to cheat in order to beat RAR.

ps 4E is still doing it with an alliance called NHM3


 Post subject: Re: 4E and multis
PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:37 am 
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I agree, TTB should ask for compensation since GToH account shared to kill them.


 Post subject: Re: 4E and multis
PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 8:39 am 
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I played with them for 3 eras now. I'm used to their dirty tactics. they made a whole alliance in G2 full of multies. They are not to be trusted.


IGN - BlackKnight

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 Post subject: Re: 4E and multis
PostPosted: Wed May 09, 2012 3:05 pm 
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BlackKnight2 wrote:

I played with them for 3 eras now. I'm used to their dirty tactics. they made a whole alliance in G2 full of multies. They are not to be trusted.

i remember that :cry:



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