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 Post subject: SAGE = NO RESPECT
PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 10:07 am 
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 YIM  Profile

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I am "Salahief of Colony of Death", an old veterian in BD that has faced a lot of wars, but never seen more disrespect and swear words and offensive words like I saw with Sage. Really in war they do everything wrong to win and after war they swear at you because they couldn't take u down.

I dont know if that is the usual moralites in BD or since they are boosters they think they own the game. The fact is that we all boost but no one uses this type of abusive and disrespectful words against any player whatever be the reason.

I hope BD support to be Harsh in there decisions against them, to prove no matter what you pay or boost is not going to affect the morals of the game.








 Post subject: Re: SAGE = NO RESPECT
PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 2:01 pm 
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Forget it salahief, it's SAGE town....

Highest Rank: 1
Relics Held: 8

join the grog!


 Post subject: Re: SAGE = NO RESPECT
PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:39 pm 
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I am looking at the screen shots.. and i cant see any "swearing"

this is because we dont swear.. we would not risk being banned over evry fool that decides to start slandering us in mail.. i wont put up 20 screenshots ..but im sure you can tell by salahief screenshots of his mailbox that he replies constantly and usually he initiates the flaming.

i also note that salahief said in war we do everything wrong... so i guess he is accusing us of cheating...

Its not like TUS was a hard target... we didnt use any tactics here that even bent the rules. We built an army .. we flew it in .. we waited till they made a mistake and we capitalised on it.. we had superior numbers and they had poor defence strategy.

then when they had lost all their troops salahief and a few others abandoned the rest by relocating ... this was after salahief had kicked and conquered several of his own members before we arrived... as well as being the only player to turn back in an attack that they may have won.. but instead lost 26 squads.

I admit it.. i dont like the guy.. i called him a loser.. and since TUS lost that is hardly slander..

So i wont defend our actions.. getting caught up in a flame war is something we do when people start insulting us... but we rarely start a flame war.. we are usually winning the war against our enemies.. we dont rub it in unless they start getting all jaded and insulting like salahief.

and i apologise to those of you in BD who dont need to see that sort of thing constantly.. if i could sit back and not defend myself when people slander me i would.. but in reality.. everyone stands up for themselves.

and for everyone out there like salahief who hates SAGE.. there are 2 people that love us.. and we can all live with that.

when salahief learns that the real victory is on the battlefield not the mailbox.. he might achieve a little more.. and cry a little less.

Have fun this round everyone.. ignore the haters


 Post subject: Re: SAGE = NO RESPECT
PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:02 pm 
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This is all one sided Where is the screen shots of what TUS said? I know you guys said "offensive" stuff in the broadcast too. Also your members said you cant coordinate properly, so this is your attempt to get back at SAGE for being better than you? its pretty lame don't you think?

MGH - OS - SPAM - COPS - Nam - TLD - DUMB - KnaW - TTM - SoTF - KOOL - HAHA


 Post subject: Re: SAGE = NO RESPECT
PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:12 pm 
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I'm a member of SAGE and I do not boost except for the free bonus tokens everyone receives. Salahief, I would like for you to send me some free tokens though for wasting my time with this kindergarten he said/she said whining.


 Post subject: Re: SAGE = NO RESPECT
PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:15 pm 
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Joined: Mon Jun 08, 2009 2:10 pm
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I have to say I lol'd. Surely this is a part of war on Battledawn? >_<

I was watching the war avidly, and at one point with the locked down op TUS had a real chance...but they mucked it up with their terrible co-ordination.


Note the spelling mistake on TUS' alliance name, this was rectified by tick 50.

Tori Black
John - UMAD

You freaking mad.


 Post subject: Re: SAGE = NO RESPECT
PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:38 pm 
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 YIM  Profile

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Chryptic wrote:
I am looking at the screen shots.. and i cant see any "swearing"

this is because we dont swear.. we would not risk being banned over evry fool that decides to start slandering us in mail.. i wont put up 20 screenshots ..but im sure you can tell by salahief screenshots of his mailbox that he replies constantly and usually he initiates the flaming.

i also note that salahief said in war we do everything wrong... so i guess he is accusing us of cheating...

Its not like TUS was a hard target... we didnt use any tactics here that even bent the rules. We built an army .. we flew it in .. we waited till they made a mistake and we capitalised on it.. we had superior numbers and they had poor defence strategy.

then when they had lost all their troops salahief and a few others abandoned the rest by relocating ... this was after salahief had kicked and conquered several of his own members before we arrived... as well as being the only player to turn back in an attack that they may have won.. but instead lost 26 squads.

I admit it.. i dont like the guy.. i called him a loser.. and since TUS lost that is hardly slander..

So i wont defend our actions.. getting caught up in a flame war is something we do when people start insulting us... but we rarely start a flame war.. we are usually winning the war against our enemies.. we dont rub it in unless they start getting all jaded and insulting like salahief.

and i apologise to those of you in BD who dont need to see that sort of thing constantly.. if i could sit back and not defend myself when people slander me i would.. but in reality.. everyone stands up for themselves.

and for everyone out there like salahief who hates SAGE.. there are 2 people that love us.. and we can all live with that.

when salahief learns that the real victory is on the battlefield not the mailbox.. he might achieve a little more.. and cry a little less.

Have fun this round everyone.. ignore the haters

Chryptic u don't see so u are blind
not my fault, when i tell u on shout go cry to ur mother
is that appropriate?
second we was 5 vs 12
i did good battle according 2.3 k army vs 5 k army if not more
beside u stole members from me in middle of battle which is kinda cheap u know
if u are so battle man why u moan on shout?
fourth i don't cry for game , maybe u do it is ur problem
fourth the 2 i kicked was power and abyss was already quit u can ask them on mail i left them til they get auto deleted and not take there crystal will look noobish u know
beside hate sage ? are u something to be talked about
it is game
i know u are old u need to grow up more u know and concentrate on ur cafe work , or i am wrong
and yea i had the success in battle field
u was like noobs locked in a op don't u feel shame
i didn't play bd for 1 year or more and never player new client and u was seriously accusing me of noobish lolz..
Chryptic i play in alliances if u stay all ur life dreaming about it u wont play in it
and yea i tell u something advice for ur miserable life if u fight for a game and go like noob on broadcast u need to get a professional help for real
from salahief(Ldr of Tus)
to the cafe boy(chryptic)


 Post subject: Re: SAGE = NO RESPECT
PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:40 pm 
Private 1st class
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 YIM  Profile

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sneaky618 wrote:
I'm a member of SAGE and I do not boost except for the free bonus tokens everyone receives. Salahief, I would like for you to send me some free tokens though for wasting my time with this kindergarten he said/she said whining.

No one interested to know if u boost or no
and if i am kinder garden u shouldn't replay old man:)


 Post subject: Re: SAGE = NO RESPECT
PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:44 pm 
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 YIM  Profile

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Dylan102 wrote:
This is all one sided Where is the screen shots of what TUS said? I know you guys said "offensive" stuff in the broadcast too. Also your members said you cant coordinate properly, so this is your attempt to get back at SAGE for being better than you? its pretty lame don't you think?

hmm i didn't offend anyone trust me
they are too low people to insult them
i told them if u continue i will report SAGE
the answer to me go cry to admin go cry to ur mom
they were happy like kids have new toy u know they happy there is broadcast to write in there stupid thoughts
SAGE need to learn morals befor playing the game
only 2 memebrs i respect in SAGE btw
1- pricekhaled
2-fury of bd


 Post subject: Re: SAGE = NO RESPECT
PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:59 pm 
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No one cares, stop talking.

This thread is now about baby polar bears.


Open for business.

Last edited by Jack on Thu Sep 02, 2010 8:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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