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 Post subject: Re: Lavaspray/Coldfire nerf
PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 11:26 am 
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Lavaspray yes. Coldfire ehhhh. Make it need more energy. I dont want to nerf it too much cuz electric sucks atm. They just cant play a build with enough cooling to tank heat players, enough energy to win the mirror match and enough health to face physicals all in one build. U have to settle with them, making them the weakest build. If anything they need more support, not nerfs.

If Lavaspray gets hit then THEY MUST nerf heat controls. Heat controls themselves are pretty damn op, and then the heat players can still win wihout having to worry about 130+ cooling.
The last flamethrower that was best before lava spray did 65 heat damage. The mythical predecessor doing 80? Well okay that seems fair, it is a mythical after all. But having 2 range? That's a stretch. And it attacks cooling and heat capacity? Ok stop. that's too much. Pick 2 and leave it. Or nerf all 3.

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 Post subject: Re: Lavaspray/Coldfire nerf
PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 12:38 pm 
Second Lieutenant
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The main reason why Lava Sprays are so great is their 2 range. Take that away and they become as useless as Infernos.

If any of their stats need to be nerfed, it's either to reduce the heat damage to around 65, or take away heat damage & cooling damage.

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 Post subject: Re: Lavaspray/Coldfire nerf
PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 12:47 pm 
Second Lieutenant
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No. Heat already loses to energy most of the time and is a toss-up with physical.

Lavasprays use energy and it's hard to get people in range 2 constantly. The dual lava builds aren't even used much anymore because they have serious weaknesses. Don't make it another completely useless mythical.

Energy is very hard to play. Don't make it harder.

They don't need a nerf at all.


 Post subject: Re: Lavaspray/Coldfire nerf
PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 7:10 pm 
First Lieutenant
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I would provide these suggestion instead.

Ultranova> Increase Heat usage cost
Armor Breaker Series> Increase ammunition to 25 Reduce the heat usage cost.
Lavaspray>Stays the same
Colfire>Reduce/Remove the Heat usage cost

Rear Hit Mark(heat/physical)>Add energy usage
Orb series >Remove Energy usage.

Metrolens>adds +10 physical armor and 2 in heat/energy armor

Diamond Shell> Needs +100 more hp. OR additional +5 more armor from what it currently has on all categories.

Lightning Gate>Needs +5-10 more energy damage

Needle Blaster series>Either needs +5 more damage OR Reduce the ammo used to 10 bullets per usage.

Red Rain MK 2> Needs to be range 3-6

Piercing shotgun (Heat)> Remove the energy cost to use.

Piercing shotgun (energy)> Remove the heat cost to use.

Various other old mythicals such as tractor, meltdown, Death Punch.

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 Post subject: Re: Lavaspray/Coldfire nerf
PostPosted: Fri Feb 10, 2017 10:15 pm 
First Lieutenant
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Ultranova is op asf. Making it require ammo might make sense but then no one might play it lol.

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