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Post subject: WW1 Story time :D Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:25 pm |
Joined: Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:13 pm Posts: 704 Gender: male
It was WW1, and in the British and German Trenches, where many bloody men, scared of each other, there generals wanting them to kill the other. But none really want to, most wanted to go home. But there was one group, one only, that wanted to kill every German there was. They where task group Falkland, only 8 of them, but every now and then, they had more with them at times.... But im about to tell you the storys they faced, while they where making there way to Germany... ------------------------------------------------------------ Name Weapon (WW1 Weapons) Armor (WW1 Armor) Type of Attack (Do you run in guns blazing or use cover Friendly (Do you work well with you team) Traits -------------------------------------------------------------------
Type this out, if you want to be on the bloody adventure, of task group Falkland, on there march, to Germany
Moved to Role Play boards.
- Dawn
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Post subject: Re: WW1 Story time :D Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:34 pm |
Joined: Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:36 am Posts: 393
Relocated Staff (air) Mithril Armor Stun, Fairy Law, Fairy Glitter, Fairy Spear Friendly  God Reflexes, Holy Vision
_________________ Relocated of the Black Knights ~~Retired~~ Best Rank:2 OC: Rcon, DOOM, EVIL, KoR, NC: AD, SWAT, BH, ICE, JRE, ISKC T-T I miss you Donald Garry Mikey T-T
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Post subject: Re: WW1 Story time :D Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 1:51 pm |
Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:12 am Posts: 193 Gender: male
Where I come from we have no names, only numbers I am Number 1 Mosin-Nagant(Scoped),Webley Mk IV revolver, Explosives, Poison, (Silencer), Rope, Light and practically weightless, no sound made during movement. You will never see me, but I will always see you, from the shadows I hunt, 1 bullet 1 kill, no mistakes. Precision 100% Accuracy 100% Fear 0% You cannot beat me, for before you even see me you will have a bullet between your eyes I need no team I am a 1 man army, but if I must I will work alongside others as long as they do not slow me down or get in my way Calm and clear headed, focuses on the task at hand, Ruthless killer who shows no mercy (Speaks Fluent German,English, Russian,French,Japanese,Italian)

All war is deception, We the few, defend the many The Myth The L3G3ND TE The Elite
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Post subject: Re: WW1 Story time :D Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 12:33 am |
Joined: Wed Jul 28, 2010 5:38 am Posts: 2968 Location: Broome, Western Australia Gender: male
Name: Ferr3t Weapon: Banlazor Armor: Pink name Type of Attack: Banning newbies from the mod control pannel Friendly: Yes Traits: Epic
_________________ Retired Head Mod

Most Crystals: 121 Highest Power: 212
Sensual bath time feat. Ferr3t
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Post subject: Re: WW1 Story time :D Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:06 am |
Joined: Wed May 26, 2010 8:09 pm Posts: 1900 Location: Look behind you. Theres a shadow. Look at where it is. It isnt me Gender: male
Name: Max Weapon (WW1 Weapons): 6 shot high powered pistol ( silenced ), 4 knives hidden, 2 throwing knives, hunting knife. Armor (WW1 Armor): Helmet, full, light body armor ( doesnt do much ) Type of Attack (Do you run in guns blazing or use cover): Dont care, im a daredevil, i run in and dont care what happeneds. Friendly (Do you work well with you team): No. Traits: Honest, loyal, sneaky, silent
_________________ Retired AANC Mentor | Retired MT Member | CMoTM | SoTM IGN(s) : Maxattack, MAXS
Retired player, trying to come back again.
Last edited by maxattack on Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post subject: Re: WW1 Story time :D Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 3:14 am |
Joined: Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:55 am Posts: 527 Location: at my nest Gender: female
Rp... Finaly.. i'm in Name: Da Epix Killer123Weapon (WW1 Weapons):Semi Automatic Magnum Sniper with x12 scope & nitrous enchanted bullets(Silenced) Combat knife Armor (WW1 Armor): regular clothing with weak kevlar & Effective camouflage Type of Attack (Do you run in guns blazing or use cover): long ranged attack but can do close combat with his combat knife Friendly (Do you work well with you team): likes to stick alone and pick targets out one at a time.. silently Traits: athletic, fast, durable, careful, silent, cold-blooded Lets own it up !
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Post subject: Re: WW1 Story time :D Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:04 am |
Joined: Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:13 pm Posts: 704 Gender: male
There where 8, 3 got killed, and now there are 5 
The end xD
Ill start story telling tomarrow
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Post subject: Re: WW1 Story time :D Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:44 am |
Joined: Sun Dec 11, 2011 7:55 am Posts: 527 Location: at my nest Gender: female
zach15 wrote: There where 8, 3 got killed, and now there are 5 
The end xD
Ill start story telling tomarrow Deep 
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Post subject: Re: WW1 Story time :D Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:38 pm |
Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2011 9:12 am Posts: 193 Gender: male
well this turned out great haha

All war is deception, We the few, defend the many The Myth The L3G3ND TE The Elite
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Post subject: Re: WW1 Story time :D Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 12:28 am |
Joined: Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:13 pm Posts: 704 Gender: male
Bloody muck and mud, what the team walked on, Everyone hated the walk, but every team member had a family member killed by the Germans. But to Berlin is where they must go, where they all wanted to go.... This is Team Falkland.... And there story, while they went to Germany.... It was day 1... Team Falkland hadnt been moving for a month, so everyone was a little rusty, especially Ferr3t for bragging about how he saved Bone, Even though Bone killed all but 1 German in the house they where clearing, and Ferr3t knifed the last guy..... So all the bragging made Ferr3t loose alot of skills.... But they marched, in the open muddy fields to Germany, Ferr3t ran up to a German trench, and used his ban attack against the Germans. Than a god like voice came from the sky, it was Seth, he said *Down with you!!* Than he banned them from the world..... Than Hunta ran up shot 3 Germans at once, saving ferr3ts life, he could no longer brag..... Now, It is time for others in the team to tell there storys.... (Keep it WW1, be mature, only use your traits and such 
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