oh aulpay .. you mkake me blush
calling me pretty boy an all
hey aulpay ... never worry i saw you army of tanks and how poorly you build it
in comes my AT vechs from home to kill off your units

becareful what you wish for aulpay ... coz i cant wait to see you flying our flag under that dirty SOLD flag
EDITwell , i know why they call him thinker ! ... he is extremely clever and pulled nice tactic to draw some of us into a trap
he managed to lockdown and spy attack 30 squads !
he had 27 squads eta 2 ... the situation was very grim ... but in a mad dash we managed to get some people online and got 9 ions into those 27 squads , as well as some extra support squads into the outpost to back them up ..
unit wise this was a defeat .. resource wise this was a close cut but still a success

well done thinker .. i now know never to under estimate you .. unlike the rest of sold