kt99 wrote:
Here is a battle squad strategy that you will need in future:
if you have lots of squads with a little amount of units in them then you are unlikely to win a battle because when units go into battle squads do not combine together, they fight the opposing one by one. i hope i have helped all new to BD.
Nope, all units, no matter what squads they are in fight at the same time..

In depth battle system below. v v v v v v v
wiki.battledawn.com wrote:
When two armies face each other, all units shoot at the same time each round. Range-upgraded units fire two round before armour Range-1 units, and damage (range 2) units fire one round before armour units. Thus, when Range-upgraded units are involved, they target and fire before the damage (Range 2) and before the armour (range 1) battle ensues. Battle is often most effective with squads of mixed units. The important element to remember while doing this is that damage will always be dealt to the target on which the firing unit's weapon will have the most effect.
Example: Concussive weapons are most effective on Infantry. Thus, if a unit with concussive weapons is present, it will fire at any Infantry before it targets Vehicles and then Tanks (Armour).
Including damage effectiveness, targeting follows this sequence:
Damage: Concussive vs Infantry, Beam vs Vehicles, Explosive vs Tanks (Armour)
A) Infantry
B) Vehicles
C) Tanks (Armour)
A) Vehicles
B) Tanks (Armour)
C) Infantry
A) Tanks (Armour)
B) Infantry
C) Vehicles
After damage is targeted at a certain chassis, first it is applied to any armor units there are. If there are no armor units alive then the damage is applied to any damage units alive, if there are none of those then any range units will receive it. If the targeted chassis has no units to injure, the damage is applied the the next most efficient (see table above) chassis, and so on and so forth until one side is dead.
Armour-Upgraded units will always be shot first before damage or range units of the same chassis type are targetted. They are the cannon fodder of squads -- i.e. if a Rifle Man (+Armour) and a Commando (+Damage) are on the enemy side, the Rifle Man will be shot first, and only after he dies will the damage be directed at the Commando. This increases the Commando's chances of survival for that round, thus allowing him to inflict damage in the next round as well.
When multiple units of the same type, quality or specialization exist, they are targeted by the characteristics of Health. After upgrades are considered, the unit with the least Health Points (HP) will be targeted first. This helps reduce the number of firing units quickest. Finally, units with Anti-Tank (Explosive) weapons will be targeted before units with Anti-Vehicle (Beam) weapons, and units with Anti-Infantry (Concussive) weapons will be targeted last. This is not the case 100% of the time, but for the most part it holds true.
Several attackers on the same target
When two or more squads from different players arrive on the same tick at an enemy outpost or colony, they will join forces and fight together against the defenders, if any exist on the outpost/colony. At no point will the attackers attack each other until the defenders are dead. After there are no defenders, the attackers will target each other to determine who gets the spoils of war. If three or more alliances converge on the same target, only the two largest forces will participate in the 'battle for spoils'. Remember marking players hostile or friendly does not change anything other than their appearance.
Defending army wins or draw
If all the units of the attackers are killed then nothing more happens. The defender keeps his outpost, stays unconquered. This is also true in case of a draw, where both sides loses all their units. If the attacker has no surviving units, there is no one left to take over the outpost or conquer the colony.
Attackers win
The attacker with the strongest surviving army after a possible battle with a defending army takes the outpost or conquers the colony that was attacked. If it was a colony that was attacked, then the attackers return to their origin as usual. If it was an outpost that was attacked then the army is parked on the newly conquered outpost.
Definition: Strongest army
The strongest army is the one which has the largest amount of soldiers.
Who gets the crystals?
If two armies on the same alliance survives the battle and there's only one crystal, the strongest army gets the conquer and the weakest army gets the crystal. If however there is a huge difference in the size of forces sent the stronger force may sometimes get the conquer and the crystal.
wiki.battledawn.com is a great guide with everything you need to know, I recomend noobies use it when they have a question.