Get1 wrote:
Since the second CE was advertised as having no time limit would the powers that be please explain this.

Are you now forcing a time limit on the players without even the courtesy of an explanation?
Get1 wrote:
Slinkybd wrote:
Sortve makes sense. Its suppose to be a yearly thing.

I'm assuming you mean it makes sense about cutting it short rather than them doing it without the courtesy of an explanation
It still can be a yearly thing without them going back on their promise.
Also its a trust thing. Its about the players trusting that when they make a commitment to the game the owners stick to their commitment to the players.
If they can break their word on something this big why believe anything we are told in the future. I wouldn't make such a long term commitment to a game if i believed the owners would move the goal posts part of the way through just because it suited them.
This ultimately comes down to one thing - they made a promise, they should stick to it!
I made the 2 posts shown above on the "Championship Era Discussion Thread"
They were made nearly a week ago.
no response was made by the BattleDawn authorities and no explanation was made either.
This is a message to Michael the creator and owner of BattleDawn (whether you read this or not)
As Milan has already stated "The CE was advertised as having no tick limit and only ending when one alliance held all 10 relics".
As far as I'm concerned you made a deal with me and all of the battledawn community taking part in this event long before the Championship Era began and the no tick limit was part of the deal. In my opinion it was the no tick limit that created the real buzz about this CE.
In all the eras I've played since i started playing BD (August 2011) there there has never been an era as competitive as the one that is being played out in CE. I and many people i have spoken to believe the competitive nature of this era is mostly down to the no tick limit.
I understand that the Admins of CE have become a bit disillusioned now.(I cant blame them for this as they have often been put into a "damned if I do, damned if I don't" situation and the behavior of a minority of players towards the admins has sometimes been outrageous) I have nothing but respect for the Admins for doing a difficult job very well.
However if the Admins no longer wish to continue or simply think all the hassle they have received isn't worth the pay then you should offer incentives to all the admins to find admins willing to cover the CE.
If you find no one is willing to cover the CE then you up the incentives until you find Admins that are willing to cover it.
In short you should do everything you can to stick to your promise of a CE with no time limit.
What you shouldn't do is force an early end onto the CE players and break the trust of the BD community.
Also i don't know if BattleDawn is now generating less money now that the boosting in CE has dropped relative to earlier in the era and people are not playing other eras whilst concentrating on CE. if this is the case i would also understand why you would want to put a time restriction on the CE.
What i cant understand is the utter contempt you have shown to the BD community by forcing this action on them and the way it has been forced upon them.
You did not sound out the community before this decision was made (you could have asked what they think of a 1000 more tick limit, or 2000 or 3000). You didn't even have the courtesy to inform them why you have seen fit to break your contract with them. (the contact being that the CE will have no time limit and the players will give their time and hopefully their money to this game)
I admit you haven't gotten much money from me over the years (i haven't bought reds since i first started playing this game) but i have bought reds this CE and your decision has left a bitter taste in my mouth. I feel you have conned me into spending my money and i feel it was taken under false pretences.
I'm voting yes on this thread and i believe the CE players deserve some form of explanation from yourself!
Edit - Edited spelling error