New Thread, Same story.
I will try to keep this one updated a little more than the last.
Looks like the alliances that will be active this round are:
The Horde - 3 time reigning F4 champs.
AOD - As always, a solid contender. Placed 2nd last round.
Inco - Newcoming team built of VERY solid members
FE - Has several notable members
EVIL - Cuz they're not good.
HAAF - Too early to tell
DEFY- A 3 member alliance that could do some real damage if they wanted to.
Sorry if I missed your alliance but I picked these based on the members that I recognize from prior rounds.
On Behalf of the Horde, I welcome everyone to F4 and wish you the best of luck. I would also note that luck on F4 tends to follow those who dont mess with us

. Looking forward to what is gearing up to be an exciting round!