Well after we gave credit to 11 for what he did, despite Avi's claims that it wasn't anything particularly great about it, 11 today decided to backstab us. 11 relocated to the Elements side earlier, and retagged to - The 11th element, but as soon as the elements decided the war was over, they decided to go rogue.
Fact is we killed 11 already, but he decided to attack the WIND relics, even killing WIND squads in the process, because he got greedy and told me his alliance deserved a better ranking.
SYN therefore rallied forces to go to 11 colonies to get back the relics. Now as we were in the midst of doing this, xRKx of HS decided to retag to 12, and attack our relics. Its the second time this era he has switched sides, first from the elements to SYN, then from SYN to 11. xRKx be sure not to play M4 again, we all know your true colors now. He is now conquered and the relics are in the process of being taken back, but this is exactly what I really hate in BD today.
Individuals that cant take their losses gracefully but choose to be sour losers. And the one positive thing out of all this was the fact that the elements chose to remain neutral, which we in SYN appreciate