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Post subject: GDZL changing sides!? Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 4:59 pm |
Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 7:18 pm Posts: 1410 Location: Georgia Tech Gender: male
Soulaw is joining GDZL, and is taking his sweet time. He let BoS all gather on his relic which he tried to run away to try to use diplomacy on behalf of GDZL to let those armies escape unharmed. We attacked the relic to target it as it was still a BoS relic stuffed with BoS armies. If GDZL was honest at all they would not have allowed Soulaw to abuse our relations this way. I got back from work and this is what I saw in my Skype window: Quote: [12:00:27 PM] xX_Nasferatu_Xx: Alright here it is: You always find a way to twist thing to your liking. Im being punished because of something someone else is doing....I dont wanna hear you cryin about BoS hiding on that relic..not my problem..... Actually it is your problem, Soulaw didn't leave the alliance which allowed BoS to land safely on the relic, clearly this does not show GDZL as being the least bit aggressive to BoS. If you were really on our side of the war you wouldn't support Soulaw's obvious attempt to take advantage of the situation. I'm not the one whining, we dealt with the situation and you are the only complaining that we took a relic that belonged to the alliance we are both SUPPOSED to be at war with. Clearly you are not really at war with BoS. Quote: 1. you made this deal on a false pretence. ( no i wouldnt have taken any deal from you had i known it was you) grounds alone to break the deal as far as im concerned. Why do you think I didn't say who I was to begin with? You carry grudges to your grave and I knew if you found out I was here you'd find a way to break our agreement and attack us ASAP. Frankly I'm surprised you've gone this long, it's been what, a few whole days? You prove my point by saying you'd never sign a deal to start with if you knew it was me, so you're arguing against yourself here. Quote: 2. your little scatterin dance like a swam of bees .(cut us offf, step righ toin my toes trying to enter africa)...and you mentioned nothing about bring 4 or 5 subs in here to clutter the area... Cut you off? You do know we are at war right? I'm sorry that my alliance is faster than yours, but we were far more angry at you for making us do all the leg work. Also we only brought 2 subs. NR and NCon operated on their own volition to assist the Asian Confederation with this war. Quote: 3.soulaw and his relic were part of the deal and now your attacking it.....once again . your breakin the deal on that point nor i could have predicted bos would place all there units on that relic. and i cant blame soul for not droppin flag till he felt safe enough too..and judging from your actions he made the right choice....if it hadnt been bos hiding on the relic , you would have found some other (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..) to throw at me.....So. if the deal was GDZL and Econ are coool with each other till BOS is destoyed.....then im not breakin the deal if i hit you at that relic.....bos will have been destroyed. you will have been weakened . and then ill just go on the attack on econ and we'll see whos standing when all is done....or stand down your attack and i wont attack you at that relic...[plain an simple)there is no rooom for talks. this is how it is..... You are clearly breaking the deal, you haven't done anything worthwhile for our side of the war and you saw how you would have no chance in a straight fight, so you're breaking our agreement prematurely. I just thought all of E4 would like to know the kind of "man" the GDZL leader is. UPDATE: The attacks begin, GDZL siding with BoS. Another one bites the dust!
_________________ Kane - GLA - LoM - UBL - TdCt - Simp -------------- Beware the wrath of Ovaltine Jenkins, for he shall show no mercy.
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Post subject: Re: GDZL changing sides!? Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:35 pm |
Joined: Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:31 am Posts: 57 Location: Where ever you don't want me to be.... Gender: male
Well, well how expecting of you this another one of your publicity stunts or what? GDZL has not switched sides to aid BoS in anyway regardless of the outcome of this war, BoS was going to be the victim of this fight. This fight, alone, is one that has lasted many eras and you know it.
I will be the first to say...yup, thats ol tom right there...thick headed, right minded, and a person who don't give a crap about anyone outside of his good graces....believe me i know.
I have played with this man for +4 years, regardless what anyone thinks...hes a dam good guy. As you can see i am not in GDZL any longer due to an blood fued beetween me and him, but still earns respect as a player. Anyone who has the knowledge of Tom and is a true vet of E4 know who this man is and needs none of this landish by not only kane, but anyone else.
As for what little i feel GDZL still gets from me....i can justfy most of what has become of you two. Since the end of the old client in the era of TdCt ( Kane) and KoG (Tom) You both have had your extreme rivalry for each other, there is no hiding that. Tom being more aggressive, would always seek you out. While Kane keeps playing mister cool, acting like your the victim when your really not. You both pick and but heads so much you get caught in these silly games like the one your pulling now. Tom rarly ever comes to these forums any longer, due to arguments like these. Cause if he was here, his post would be too vulgar for younger eyes, which is why he keeps it to a separate programs such as skype. Where he knows his vulgarity cannot effect him ingame.
Soulaw? Well, thast a story in itself. Yes both to tom and kane agreed to there players. GDZl got Soul as Econ got Rhino. As for Soul's decsion to stay BoS, thats was his own decsion. That had nothing to do with GDZL's hand other than the diplomatic immunity that soul convinced BoS to follow in. As tom said previous, nothing either side could do. GDZL may have put a stop to that pile on, but hey, its our relic, extra protection isn't hurtin us any, so why not? but as Kane is, OH NO that can't happen to me?!?!? Regardless of that Kane you still had no right in deciding to take it. you broke the agreement. sorry. its not like it was the only relic on the market either there Kane....there were 2 others that were much easier to take. due to scramblings between NMS and BoS1, so taking the relic with the units on it was more or less pointless. The colonies were open because of this, so resistance was minimal. at best.
Speaking of both know agreements between you two are like water. Those who do know tom, know that infact he does hold grudges to the grave, Which is why tom put what he did. If he would have known you were in Econ....there would be no agreement with you in the first place. You both have moral hatred for each other an so called agreement, wouldn't last a week, which it didn't. For that matter there would have been no agreements period, including the begining of the a point to kane for that. Only problem is because you already knew the consequences why hide, what are you afraid kane, of all the hatred people have for you. might as well take it like a freight train. You are the glorious kane arn't you?
As for the invasion process....well i do have to hand it to you kane it is war. Congrats on being the quicker one. Credit is given where credit is due. As for leg work???? Uhh...then why din't you leave some for us..its like being the ball hog on a basketball team, then saying its our fault cause we don't do our part. You knew well that GDZl could ahve taken the West side of africa, while you taken the east, but oh no as kane is, he had to have it all, so greed on your part kane. Next time, if there is ever one, we will take this note here and just have friendly fire and kill the thousand of caps you have and i don't want to hear a single word. We were honoring the agreement knowing if we so did ever kill 1 unit you might use it against us to say we attacked you, so we avoided that like the plague and watched you just guzzle it all up.
As for # of you need to go back to kindergarden kane?? Well i count EC1, EC2, Ncon, and NR, if im right that makes 4, does it not? Reguardless whether or not they did it on there own terms, in all reality they are under your control and you allowed them to come. Im not even counting the pitiful work EC3 did in saudi for you, but im not going there. If im also not mistaken Troy and its sub Try1 was around as well, all i know is GDZL didn't invite them so my question is did u?
As for the 3rd argument between you 2. Neither side broke a deal up until you took the soul relic as mentioned above. As already explained earlier the events of us not doing anything was due to your lack of consideration of us and hitting every thing in sight. Being true to our word we din't want any crossfire between the 2 of us, so we waited, until you came screaming this back to tom.
Now to my personal opinion, you both have your flaws and moral hared for each other. I might as well consider you two the next Hann and JH of E4, but i think that would be an insult to them. You both know nothing will ever bring you together, so why not make each era as memorable as the next just like those two did. Everyone like watching a good rivalry.
Kane you have your moments of greatness where you actually come down to earth with the rest of us and if i remember correctly even tom shows some respect to you as a player. Although most hate you for you being a snake in the grass and a jerk to those who don't bow to your wishes. Then carry on with the blame game and non stop arguments on how someone (not always im sure)else broke an agreement when if fact it was you. This is how i know you have played in E4 and it how you play in other servers as well, so don't hide it the people know.
As for Tommy boy... as much as i don't want to drag our fued in here, im going to leave the details out and get right to the problem. Well its tom...all i can say bottom line. How he sees you is what you are, and he will never let it die as kane mentioned about grudges. Hes not going to change for someone else, whats in his mind is set and stone. (Don't get me wrong here, a good guy) After playin with him for 4 years you just get use to it and try to push that boulder in the right direction. We had our moments in the past of arguments and fights, but we both just let them pass in time and had our laughs and shared the good times of past rounds. As for this round, looks like i pushed that boulder over the edge, words were exchanged at many times throughout the round and brought us both to the breaking point and well lets say we both broke at the same moment about 75 ticks ago. Hence my absence from GDZL.
This round i can definatly say...i think its over between us. The damage is done. Tom my only words to you is stop being so thickheaded and quit playing the blame game. Listen, truly listen to what players have to offer and put aside those little grevences of yours cause you know what the goal is. You know, I know it and the GDZL members know it once anger befalls on to you, your judgement get clouded and whatever someone else trys to tell you different its there fault for trying to correct it. No one else left in this server will tell you that. Well look who is, oh yes it me.
In closing and yes i know this is ungodly long, but im here to stay, i will not be pushed aside for you two. Welcome you have both earned a new rival in this struggle of power and dominance. Good Luck to you gentle men.
_________________ Old E4 - *CB*, KOG, POW, DOOM
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Post subject: Re: GDZL changing sides!? Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 12:25 am |
Joined: Mon Feb 22, 2010 3:43 pm Posts: 6
@psg118 "I'm not the one whining" he says and yet he creates a NEW posting topic about it and writes a fricken essay to complain about it! If you ask me thats an oxymoron, shame on you, lying to the BD community like that. Has to prove his intelligence to the world and not one person cares, go outside, get a look at the real world, and let me know how many people this actually affects, i swear that contrary to your beliefs, the sun is not an all powerful being that will devour your soul if you show your skin in the open air.
You may be up in arms and losing your cool getting all flustered over this, but let me tell ya a little secret..... ya ready? are ya? hmmm? ITS A FREAKING GAME! grow up, to honestly be sputtering and arguing, showing all this hardcore evidence, OH WOW, i totally wanna watch CSI in the middle of my evening playing a game i love.
to be honest i think you need to mature, grow a pair, get some sun, forget about the forums because that just proves your lack of intelligence, and for gods sake get a life. if i had the ability of not having friends so i could sit here and play all day i would totally do it, but alas i am burdened with friends i didnt meet online. Sadly they are real people and to my misfortune we like to hang out and go do stuff away from the internet. Uh oh, dont have a heart attack, yes you can go away from the internet without the world ending. Whats going to happen if you dont win? is the world going to end? are you going to go into cardiac arrest? nope, the world keeps spinning and life will go on.
Like i said, for gods sake, go outside, i bet your starting to look a little homely, if you take my advice im sure your body will thank me.
Yours truly, asjsdf
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Post subject: Re: GDZL changing sides!? Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:16 am |
Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:16 am Posts: 39 Location: USA - New Hampshire Gender: male
Well they may now know me for the "MAN" do to the description so nicely put into words by Mr. Murray......
one thing is for are nothing but a little boy .A spoiled one at that
short sweet simple
Skwrel - sorry buddy.....
_________________ Old e4:#3 alliance and colony e4 era 5 1 Relic 33 crystals(KOG) NAF,NaFa,DOF,NANC,KOG,FRND New E3 NASA new E4 HKF Nasferatu Of BlackDiamond(Old E4 era 2-5, New E4) Wyatt Earp Of TombStone(New E3) Lamb Of God(Old e4 era6)
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Post subject: Re: GDZL changing sides!? Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 2:11 pm |
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:47 am Posts: 46 Location: new hampsire Gender: male
yup, kev hides like a little girl al always, to get deals he couldnt get otherwise, do you see me hideing? or tom,
we wear our names where all can see and judge, and if anyone is remotely intretsed my alter ego on other servers is commander,
anouther faulty win, useing deceate, and subs.
btw, sun, what is this "sun" you speak of
_________________ We work in the dark, to serve the light, we are assassinas. Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
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Post subject: Re: GDZL changing sides!? Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:30 pm |
Joined: Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:57 am Posts: 140 Location: england Gender: male
All i get from this is that kane was hiding in the shadows from this tom, to prevent a war? how very brave of you kane, or does this resemble a coward who has to much fear because of his own past, and no i am not a hypercrit before you mumble your words kane, i am just as hated as you as it is known, only i do hide. MAN UP BEEF CAKE XD. Good luck tommy.
_________________ Retired.
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Post subject: Re: GDZL changing sides!? Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:01 am |
Joined: Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:09 am Posts: 476
ahhhhh, these threads can be so humorous sometimes
_________________ Alias's: FiReStArTeR, SyRiNx, SnOwDoG, ByToR, Lex Alliances (OLD SERVER)-FF- NOM ARM TdCt !i! -AG- (new server) ARM DoCE(CE) BUL5 XXX ED JFA
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Post subject: Re: GDZL changing sides!? Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 11:48 am |
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:47 am Posts: 46 Location: new hampsire Gender: male
na no need to man up, been there done that, kev can just have anouther cheap win, we arnt even trying. no glorey in fighting a coward
btw im not tom.
_________________ We work in the dark, to serve the light, we are assassinas. Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
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Post subject: Re: GDZL changing sides!? Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:03 am |
Joined: Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:09 am Posts: 476
schicoman15 wrote: na no need to man up, been there done that, kev can just have anouther cheap win, we arnt even trying. no glorey in fighting a coward
btw im not tom. so you are saying your whole alliance are going to roll over and die? Pretty pathetic if you ask me. You really need to listen to this. fought perfectly when I was in as more are active, not so good. Personally, I would be ashamed that you all are rolling over and dieing. NEVER SURRENDER!
_________________ Alias's: FiReStArTeR, SyRiNx, SnOwDoG, ByToR, Lex Alliances (OLD SERVER)-FF- NOM ARM TdCt !i! -AG- (new server) ARM DoCE(CE) BUL5 XXX ED JFA
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Post subject: Re: GDZL changing sides!? Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 10:55 am |
Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:47 am Posts: 46 Location: new hampsire Gender: male
good songs, ill have to add those to my ipod,
but we have had this fight so many times and its always the same.
we have prooven ourselfs in the past. no one no matter how great can rewrite history.
thats why econ hid their identity, becuase they wouldnt have gotten this far without such deceite.
_________________ We work in the dark, to serve the light, we are assassinas. Nothing is true, everything is permitted.
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