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Post subject: PINOYS ALLIANCE - A SAD and UGLY TRUTH ABOUT BD Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:14 pm |
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:45 pm Posts: 306
Hello Everyone,
Anyone who has played Fantasy and Mars worlds, probably knows these PINOY alliances as the ultimate backstabbers and cheaters of the game. you all probably know by now, how they abuse and exploit the loopholes of the game for winning. This is how they Roll:
- Farms and Multies: They bring a lot of members from their country in a single world. They create 2 alliances at least and 1 sub (atleast) all pinoys. Which are officially allies. The next thing they do is get at least 100-150 colonies from their own country, which are half multies and half farms for resources/conquers and crystals so that they get good taxation and power too (conquer power is back now).
- OP farming: The multies and farms keep putting on 2-3 OPs each everyday for every member so that the main can get those OPs and raze them for resources and workers.
- Small Aliiances By Multies and Suiciders: The madness does not end here, all these conquered farms and multies then create small alliances and make nuke bases for the future enemies of the main PINOY alliance and use it when time comes, for exampel LASA alliance on M3 right now, they are all banned for this after a lot of efforts put by us.
- Unfair Advantage During Wars: During wars these 100+ multies/farms do all the dirty business for the main, i.e. jamming and ioning the enemy's units whenever possible, a latest example is: our squads got ioned 40 times on an OP when they we were fighting THOR and SUWA on m3 this round.
- Spies: These Farms and MUlties plant agents and use them for the main's advantage.
- Sharing Accounts: The next thing is Account sharing, all these so called PINOY warriors share account details with everyone and sue the during war and keep gettuing away with it.
- Broadcast and Racism: You all know how harsh admins are about racist and abusive comments, but these they keep putting abusive and filthy broadcasts in their own phillipino language and keep getting away with it coz admins don't understand it. This is just unacceptable, we all speak in english so risk getting banned, if we say anything in anger but they can say anything and get away. I can't even write over here, what all they have said, i know this coz i got it translated by a few philipino friends of mine.
If Anyone of you goes to M3 And check THOR and SUWA part of the island, u will see a lot of RED SMOKE, these are banned multies but they keep on getting new every single day. We all use our legtimate units to fight them but it's in vain because they will build back by cheating. WHAT'S THE POINT ONLY BANNING THE MULTIES, WHEN IT's CLEAR WHO IS BEHIND IT. The multies should be deleted not banned in the first place, as they keep on giving taxation even after getting banned.
And when it's quite evident who is abusing the game, should not the main be banned instead?
In the wake of recent incidents and ignorance on our repeated efforts, a group of 150+ players has decided to quit this game for good until the game becomes clean again. An a lot of us spend money on the game to buy tokens to support it and keep it running.
That's all i had to say Folks, any Comments/Suggestions/Opinions are welcome...!
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Post subject: Re: PINOYS ALLIANCE - A SAD and UGLY TRUTH ABOUT BD Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:21 pm |
Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:56 pm Posts: 84 Location: qatar Gender: male
Its sad but the truth these alliances come out cheat and get away with it its really unfair and my whole BD courier i have heard of farms multies but no one has exploited them that pob aka pinoy alliances some action should be taken the current mars 3 round is one of the best examples
 played with REV TLA BYZ CBOP TMR HUG JFA IW and some other good alliances.Playing with WSS this CE
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Post subject: Re: PINOYS ALLIANCE - A SAD and UGLY TRUTH ABOUT BD Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:24 pm |
Joined: Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:17 pm Posts: 5
yeah these alliances make multies to suicide and make it unfair for anyone to win, its like they control what world they have with 1000+ multies and suiciders. and everytime i see a pinoy alliance i see red smoke, they never play fair and dont know how to play without cheating lol
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Post subject: Re: PINOYS ALLIANCE - A SAD and UGLY TRUTH ABOUT BD Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:28 pm |
Joined: Sat Jan 07, 2012 11:59 am Posts: 34 Location: Trinidad and Tobago Gender: male
yes these pinoys multi and do everything wrong in the game just to win
_________________ ~VORTKEN of VTN.
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Post subject: Re: PINOYS ALLIANCE - A SAD and UGLY TRUTH ABOUT BD Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:49 pm |
Joined: Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:49 pm Posts: 198 Location: Miami, FL Gender: male
In all my years I've played BD, never have I seen a bigger disappointment in how the game functions. Apparently, when playing with almost all pinoys, they will break all rules and cheat in any manner in order to win at this game. Sure, they boost a lot so that they seem ok with the admins, but it still does not pardon them for doing what they do.
Everything mentioned above is an accurate reflection of how these "pinoy" players go about in playing BattleDawn. I cannot fathom how this can go unpunished for so long, and how it is even considered legal in this game. Michael and the Admins better have a good look at what's going on M3, because there are a good majority of colonies in the eastern side of the map that are under red smoke.
Hell, I've even had a report saying that an undisclosed pinoy cheater had tried to share his account to someone so that they can manage it, but instead it blew up in his face, and he dropped in rank and strength.
Its really nooby and pathetic how far these cheaters and game abusers go in order to win a game. I am honestly apalled that they are even allowed to play at all. It really sets a bad example for BD, and can make those pinoy players that are honest be discriminated against.
BD staff should really look in to having more security and structure on logins and accounts so that these types of players are not allowed to roam free and ruin this game any further. The average BD pro can really be turned off by this sort of cheating, and would turn them away from games like BD.

I've come to claim to your cookies. >:D Alliances: TmR-X7-5th
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Post subject: Re: PINOYS ALLIANCE - A SAD and UGLY TRUTH ABOUT BD Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:56 pm |
Joined: Sun Aug 23, 2009 5:20 pm Posts: 18 Gender: male
all of the above is true, if any1 is watching or playing m3 you will see exactly what he is talking about. THOR are cheaters, the amount of multis they have in the game and still have not been banned, is amazing.
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Admin Joe
Post subject: Re: PINOYS ALLIANCE - A SAD and UGLY TRUTH ABOUT BD Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:23 pm |
Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 10:29 pm Posts: 222 Gender: male
::Grumble:: I had this big written statment on the whole subject written out and when i hit submite for some reason it refresh and i lost it all.. IT was beautiful and well drawn out but sadly i really not going to type it all again... SO i do this very simple
First Do not play its "all one race fault" because a few bad eggs are causing trouble. You guys are being very hateful to a race for what a small group of people have done.
2nd If someone spy attacks you, Ions you etc... and they arnt part of everyday alliance etc.. REPORT it. Its the only way sometimes to find these farms. Yes i said farms not multis because there plenty of times friends make colonies just for these. TO make ops to these things.
So If you see someone making ops for someone dont just give the admin cords of the ops give them also the cords for the person who drop the ops in the first place. if you get spied ir ioned by some random conquered person Give us there cords and report them. Complain on here and not reporting them does you and the admin no good.
Btw if you wish to reply that you have reported spy attacks and Ions and such and racist remarks in Philipino language please note i keep good records of all reports in notebooks. I got alot of them for each era. I have yet to have you guys report spy attacks or Ions from random people, and dont say its not worth it because when you report it, its could be one step closer to catching someone thats good at hiding.
So in closing yes sometimes a group of people try and do alot of cheating but we crack down on them they usally get caught and go away. But remember though dont just pointing fingers at someone and assuming there account sharing because tehre more active then you. I know plenty of people that report good alliances that legitly play and play well because they have a active alliance and they swear that active alliance is cheating when there not. Also remember that people are also pointing fingers at you. How would you feel when you know your not cheating because one player said you where or a alliance assumed you where i ban you just because they said you where. You be pretty pissed off too. So we admins have to take our time make sure we dont make that mistake.
Admin joe
This is the only time i will respond to this. M3 issues make sure you report them in game. thank you have a great rest of the day/night/evening
_________________ ---------------------------------------------------------- Admin joe - Earth 2, Earth 5 solo, Mars 3, Fantasy 2, Fantasy 3, Galaxy 2
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Post subject: Re: PINOYS ALLIANCE - A SAD and UGLY TRUTH ABOUT BD Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:42 pm |
Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:45 pm Posts: 306
Quote: First Do not play its "all one race fault" because a few bad eggs are causing trouble. You guys are being very hateful to a race for what a small group of people have done.
So If you see someone making ops for someone dont just give the admin cords of the ops give them also the cords for the person who drop the ops in the first place.
Dear Admin, We are not being Racist here, they themselves call it PINOY alliance, we are not against a country or a race. I just wrote what they call each other. I have sent enuff coords of OPs, Owner of the OP, Beneficiary along with screenshot on M3 at least 10 times or so. But not much was done, so i have given up on that. We have enuff skype/FB chat evidence about THOR/SUWA guys accepting they create Multies and bragging that Admin can't catch it. It has been sent to the concerned Admin too. Last but not least, only banning the Farms will do no good,there is so much of red smoke, all of them are CONQUERED by one alliance only. Proper investigation needs to be done in my opinion. I've said what i had to, Admin has spoken too. It's up to the players and viewers to give their thoughts on this. This is an open forum and we all have the right to express our opinion here. Thanks
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Post subject: Re: PINOYS ALLIANCE - A SAD and UGLY TRUTH ABOUT BD Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 5:42 pm |
Joined: Thu Jan 05, 2012 4:43 pm Posts: 298
He is right, THOR and SUWA are perfect examples why this game has lost it's hype, not all pinoy alliances are bad but a "BIG PORTION" of them THOR and SUWA are horrible, they get friends to make hundreds of multied colonies for them to conquer, oh and just about every one of these multied accounts are banned LOL BANNED ALL OVER IN THOR AND SUWA'S HIVES!!!! and no action is being taken still? lol that is truly sad, I haven't been playing this game for too long about 9 months but hey I've learned how fun it is to play this game and also how unfair this game THOR and SUWA are making ingame offenses that should ban anybody and um.....yeah....I got a warning from Admin Seth today for having a big signature and it was I am getting in trouble by the admins for and I'm new to the forums....and I didn't why are the admins wasting their time getting me into trouble and I'm not technically doing anything wrong when there are alliances out on M3 that need to be banned and are actually making huge offenses by cheating???....this all is screwed up..sometimes I just want to pull my hair out and quit this wonderful game for good.

Completely retired now.
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Post subject: Re: PINOYS ALLIANCE - A SAD and UGLY TRUTH ABOUT BD Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:01 pm |
Joined: Sat Jan 29, 2011 8:28 pm Posts: 5 Gender: female
Well one thing that bothers me about this situation is that its clear the admin has his favorites. Every era we talk about cheating and report it and nothing is ever done. I think this is unfair to the players who do follow the rules.
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