This is my own opinion so please dont kill me for what i am about to say next.
Red TokensPeople are complaining and complaining there is no end.If someone is better then you in BD then it does
NOT! mean that he is using red tokens and if he is then who cares?He is the one whos making this game so great and not you ...because of people who are buying red tokens its because of them that this game is getting better and better.
CheatingSaying that everyone who is buying red tokens that they cheat is somehow exuses for not being better then them and if you want to be better then them who are using red tokens just go and buy it yourself so that you can help the game and yourself and if you were the one whos using red tokens then motting would matter or you would not tell anyone that your using but if someone else is using it too and its better then you then its the end of the world.... so you need to tell the world that he is a cheater rune his day for no reason ( jealous).
And there are a lot of cases where players are jealous of other players how they are better then them so they need a exuses for being not #1 so... they immediately will say/think that you are using red tokens ... it does not matter if they actually know if your using red tokens (or have prove for it)or not ... they are still going to say that your using red tokens for idk reason and IF you prove them wrong its like nothing happened... its like they never said anything wrong to you ...
Finally there is nothing wrong using red tokens and who ever did or is using it thank you for donating the money and making this game every year better and better! RESPECT!

-Braveheart (in the game)
This was my opinion so dont get mad :/ ....