yay! ducky is here to crash a religious thread <3
Nature just kills blindly.
exactly, evidence for a cold indifferent universe that doesnt really care or think about the value of a human being over the value of a rock.
You cannot blame the creator of the earth God. He is on the good side.
ill assume because you used the term "God" that you are talking of the judeo-christian god
Isaiah 45:7 (King James Version)
7I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
"good" is pretty subjective, hitler thought he was on the good side, getting rid of all those jews. is god on the good side then? or are you simply superimposing your wishes onto "god" so that your actions and thoughts can somehow be backed by what is "good" that is determined by what you think god determines.
old testament is anything but good.
Fortunately God wins most of the time.
omnipotence fail. (which is actually addressed by epicurus)
That is why there are more good things happening in the world than bad. That is why bad things only happen occasionally.
go to africa and say that, just because you have access to shelter, medicine and food and thus are sheltered from the atrocities of the world doesnt mean that there is more good then bad.
the "four horsemen" have been hanging around earth for thousands of years now. occasionally doesnt really do the "Bad things" justice
http://edition.cnn.com/2001/WORLD/afric ... rica.rape/57 rapes PER DAY
http://www.who.int/mediacentre/news/rel ... 3/pr33/en/3000 children die from malaria daily
http://hello.news352.lu/index.php?p=edito&id=29744almost 22 000 die per day because of drought and its related effects. (21 917 per day if you get 8 000 000/365)
dont worry, its just "occasionally"
So if the Devil existed at the same time as God, they would be equally powerful.
lol, i was right, you are talking in terms of the judeo-christian god.
i challenge this, it is often thought, the fallen angel Lucifer (bearer of light) is the devil, no where in the bible does it say god has an equal in terms of power. heck, the story of job shows that the devil is like gods dog on a leash, and he can only do as much damage as god wills him to.
if anything, satan-face is a scape goat.
This brings us back to the hypothesis that no one made the Devil.
1. thats not a hypothesis.
2. it is said in your bible that god is the alpha and the omega, the devil had to have come after god~~
The Devil just co-existed with God. It is just that God made the first move and the Devil the second.
the above statement is ambiguous when you use eternity as a timeline.
Rather than one God it looks like two Gods. One good and One bad.
or, there are no gods. just a cold, indifferent, harsh universe that doesnt care if a murderer dies or an innocent child dies. then again, satan as a god?
as the cute woodland creatures of southpark put it:
Free will is being able to do whatever you like.
i would like to be god... dayyum. the above statement crashed and burned.
Animals do not have free will, so when they do something wrong they cannot be blamed.
evidence? btw, humans are animals
We will be responsible for what we do as we know what we are doing.
cough genesis thinks otherwise cough.
eating the fruit of knowledge of good and evil before knowing what good and evil is means that how could adam/eve be held responsible? owned.
your next bit is a bit iffy, i would need to know what your view of heaven is like, here are 5 short questions (answers vary extremely wildly from denomination to denomination).
1. do you have freewill in heaven?
2. can you sin?
3. can you be punished for sin?
4. can you be booted out of heaven because of sinning?
5. is heaven perfect?
that is all~~
However, many people in this modern society use their free will to do the wrong.
again with these subjective terms, i bring forth the always present extreme example. hitler. he was "doing right" in his eyes when he was exterminating the jews.
how about David, being commanded by god to clean out them canaanites. he was 'doing right' in his eyes (and god) when he was exterminating various lesser races (because jews are god's chosen race)
this passage is a little bloody, i give it a MA15+ rating, dont read it unless you are ready for baby smashing, woman raping, god sanctioned violence.
-Ducky out.