Please add other funny or crazy controversies to this , that arent real. Obama. There is controvesy behind that name.
For example, in colorado, there was a kid with pysco intellgience. He stole 100,000 s of votes from swing states to sell to china. China was to give obama those votes, and in exchange Obama was to give possesion of the Star Wars rights to them. Disney and obama for once did not agree. This was to come in play later. the kid, instead of wanting money, wanted to play as luke skywalkers son. Chinese did not agree with this sudden change, though. So the kid had prepared for this and hid the votes were no one would find them. So china found the boys close friend margain (like the butter) and extracted the info from him, and of course morgan freeman used his master ability to explain crazy things to interpet the boys speech, seeing he had just suffered from a peanut allergy. Romney and his advisor got word of the whereabouts and aimed to get those ballots, well keeping it on the down low. Disney in the meanwhile got a hold of the pyscho boy. Wanting the money the powerful star wars franchise had to offer, they ordered the boy to expose the ballots . This would somewhat restore the integerity of the race, but may doom the star wars legend. The boy was allowed to play luke skywalkers son. Meanwhile china got to the secret hiding spot where no one would ever think to look, a hummer dealership. A clash between Romneys advisor and romney vs china soon followed. Out of nowhere , morgan freeman popped his speaking voice into the scene , urging Romeny , his advisor , and China to listen. Relectualtly , romeny and his advisor did so. morgan freeman started to explain, "china, their morals are just. They mean no harm, but a better cause stands," the pyscho boy enters,"they wish to own the franchise not just for selfishness, but for conservation of the mastered franchise. All they are is afraid that disney may not be able to do what they can with it." Upon explaining this Morgan Freeman earned a freckle. Simutanously the pyscho boy smiled, as well as Romney and his advisor. romney then replied," i guess some things are not worth being the most known person in the USA." With that China smiled and lit the ballots on fire. Nevermore were they seen. (Not based on real events, everything is fictional in this, based on a south park episode. Thanks)
d somewhat restore the intergity of the race , but may doom
The weapon miester rank 5 my profiles: Hoy n' Juicy Pounder