ghossfeld88 wrote:
Well, after days of alchemy, I have produced creature that comes directly from these two objects. The creature scared me at first, it spoke in many tongues. It looked at me inquisitively. I looked at it back. It became a staring contest. I began to sweat. The creature didn't sweat back at all. Damn cold-blooded animals. My veins began pulsating as I tried to keep my eyes open. I commanded my eyes with every muscle in my body to stay open. Literally my biceps would rematerialize into living entities and yell at my eyes in the voice of a drill sergeant. I began to yell loudly like the characters from Dragonball Z. The air around me grew thick, and suddenly I exploded.
The creature survived this explosion and now sells car insurance.
P4r4sit3 wrote:
ummm,before how many years was god born
I pondered over this question. I took it to many oracles to see if they could make sense of it. Because I don't believe that mistakes are possible, I must analyze your question at face value.
'Before how many years was god born?'
First legible question I can think of from this sentence is: How many years (ago) was God born?
Well, being that I am the prime Kitten God of the known universe and spam universe, I can tell you that I was born quintillion years ago.
But that's not the question. The question is BEFORE this sub question.
During the period of time preceding (a particular event, date, or time): "she had to rest before dinner".
In front of: "the patterns swam before her eyes"; "trotting through the city with guards running before and behind".
During the period of time preceding, how many years ago was God born?
So the question reformatted looks like this: How many years ago was God born before God was actually born?
You're brilliant you know, the only one to know that I was born TWICE. Once I was born sometime quintillion years ago. That was my SECOND birth. My first birth was 5 years before that. However, I didn't use years so that could be off on your concept of time.
Ferr3t wrote:
What will my year 12 ATAR score be?
1,235,120,234,569,192,453,673,146,236,752,239,293,100,156.31415926 out of 1,235,120,234,569,192,453,673,146,236,752,239,293,100,156.31415927 possible.
OmegaXII wrote:
where will i be 7 years from now?
Dead. >.>