Now, not many will know what the title of this topic is. Which is precisely why I made it.
SteamPunk is a style of art direction and world based on, basically, how they thought the future would be in the years 1800. In terms of books, we're talking Jules Verne (10.000 Miles Below Sea, Around The World in 80 Days, Journey to the Center of the Earth), H.G. Wells (The Time Machine) and so on and so on.
Now, there's also anime and comics in the steampunk genre (Gundam, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen) but the interesting thing is the graphical side of it. Steampunk is - to put it lightly - absolutely gorgeous. Airships, leviathans,
underwater cities, underground cities (city of ember) are all steampunk.
Let me show you some images.
Narshe the Mining City, Final Fantasy 6
Airship docking in the city of Lindblum.
This, gentlemen, is SteamPunk. And for the love of God, start recognizing it.
That will be all.