Yeah, we made an aggressive move, was it unwarranted?
Bondo = leader of EKOE
[5/31/12 10:12:04 PM] Bondo: u guys r going for war vs RFFN and thier subs ?
[5/31/12 10:12:34 PM] Bondo: i know u may dont have the premission to tell me
[5/31/12 10:12:46 PM] Bondo: but i been asking from u for a nap till tickt 1100
[5/31/12 10:13:00 PM] Bondo: and i been asking from them to help them at war against u guys
[5/31/12 10:13:36 PM] ARF: no, we arent going for war
[5/31/12 10:13:48 PM] ARF: we have an agreement that they will hand over their relic later on in the round
[5/31/12 10:14:11 PM] ARF: the same agreement we have with Mr and PQ
[5/31/12 10:14:55 PM] Bondo: hmmm thats wired
[5/31/12 10:15:33 PM] Bondo: well we r not planning to war u guys at any tickt of this round especailly and ur alliance have one of my good friends and u guys always keep ur words
[5/31/12 10:15:43 PM] Bondo: but u need to take care
[5/31/12 10:15:43 PM] Bondo: i already refused RFFN request
[5/31/12 10:15:57 PM] ARF: take care about?
[5/31/12 10:16:07 PM] ARF: and what did RFFN request?
[5/31/12 10:16:39 PM] Bondo: they requested us to help them against u guys
[5/31/12 10:16:48 PM] Bondo: u dont read what am typing or what -.-
[5/31/12 10:16:59 PM] ARF: hmmm
[5/31/12 10:17:04 PM] ARF: we are supposed to be allied with RFFN
[5/31/12 10:17:14 PM] Bondo: thats what i heared from ur side
[5/31/12 10:17:21 PM] Bondo: but didnt hear the same from thier side
[5/31/12 10:17:30 PM] Bondo: i have a msg in my inbox right now from RFFN leader
[5/31/12 10:17:36 PM] Bondo: asking me to join thier war vs GoT
Ddar = leader of PQ
[5/31/12 12:14:05 AM] Ddar: yes, RFFN is excitedly sending me messages
[5/31/12 12:14:18 AM] Ddar: wanting to know if we are going to attack you..
Seth = Leader of MAD
[5/30/12 6:12:27 PM] Nick (Random): would you guys like to go against GoT with us?
[5/29/2012 11:43:00 AM] Seth: hmmm and no
[5/29/2012 11:43:10 AM] Seth: GoT is the only alliance helping us right now
[5/29/2012 11:43:11 AM] Nick (Random): y
[5/29/2012 11:43:23 AM] Nick (Random): lol GoT is allied with Us and Mr aswell
[5/29/2012 11:43:29 AM] Nick (Random): so they arent going to help you with Mr
[5/29/2012 11:43:33 AM] Seth: they cant do much because they wont break teh NAP, but they are giving us a spot to move
[5/29/2012 11:43:46 AM] Seth: no, but they are helping vs TK
[5/29/2012 11:43:50 AM] Nick (Random): sigh
[5/29/2012 11:43:56 AM] Seth: and with TK out of the we can fight Mr long enough to relocate
[5/29/2012 11:43:57 AM] Nick (Random): everyone letting the sitting alliancce win

[5/29/2012 11:44:07 AM] Seth: well...they came to me first
[5/29/2012 11:44:17 AM] Seth: ARF messaged me at tick 1 askign us to join them
[5/29/2012 11:44:25 AM] Seth: and i said yes
[5/29/2012 11:44:39 AM] Nick (Random): they did that to everyone
[5/30/12 6:13:07 PM] Seth: [5/29/2012 11:44:53 AM] Nick (Random): and we do it 1 man down the whole era
[5/29/2012 11:44:58 AM] Seth: but they ahve alot of my friends
[5/29/2012 11:45:01 AM] Nick (Random): we deserve the win Way f***ing more than them
But don't worry guys, I'm sure that was his brother talking ^^