hello dear friends. see their complains now in this section:http://www.battledawn.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=90&t=19856&start=90indians says , alisa abusing us, she is talking racist. and now them drag joe to this topic. them says joe too racist
and u guys only can says this .. we understand it , u saying that. and where is your proof ? can u guys prove it? . of course no. so stay silence there

them says
Joe is keeping srb side. he is not fair admin and bla bla.
and them says, them got unfair ban
now i want add proofs . why them got ban
here we go.
1) gallant and bear. = them banned for doing op farming
bear op farming :
http://gyazo.com/c385ddc85dea65a042515c54bdfaf9f7gallant op farming: http://gyazo.com/2b9e07ed1e9a9163313b2b745290c1bfthis all specify color ops owner samissad. and gallant the rest all ops belong to he's friends/
now lets talk about karuma and gtoh noob name players .
(btw gtoh name player is really noob

them says why we got ban? we have not multies or anything
and them keep trash talk in other forum topic.
now i will answer them with their own mails

in zoom range
as u says ,"Do you actually know what does that means.,.???
Secondly i opened Kurama's acc. once due to emergency."
lol . u opened he's accoutn and u got ban . so why u complaining?:Dand about our Admin Joe . he's fair at all.. u guys got ban every 1/2 era... lol
and i playing over 4 years. i dint get any ban .
live with proofs..dont forget last e5,
you indians are always banned,every era.....remember last?
you were more red then red army 1945
u guys got over 40 colonies banned near my colony at india side.
and more colonies at another sides
P.s : i reveal your all dirty plans , U guys can hate me after this proofs, because its free
Love this game ! Love this rules hate to cheaters
Reques to close this topic. i wrote it only for proofs. not for sayan's spam war here

Tip:edited for fix some wrong words