The wiki states that 12 control ticks are required to raze an outpost.
How this managed to stay on there for who knows how long boggles my mind.
Once the option to raze s selected, you can NOT cancel the razing process. It takes 3 ticks to complete the razing cycle. Hostile squads can still capture an outpost that is being razed if you started razing it while that squad had an ETA of 3 ticks or less. You must have 12 control ticks to raze an outpost. Razing the outpost while it still has squads or spies on it, moving to it (including hostile squads), or moving away from it; will result in the outpost becoming camp. You receive the resources at the end of the razing period, and then the outpost disappears or becomes a camp.
I also noted a grammatical error

Since this correction will probably save a lot of agony from the newer players, perhaps I'm worthy of having some blue tokens sent my way?

Hey, it's a dog-eat-dog world out there.