apollo wrote:
Religion is simply a set of moral guidelines for one to follow. I am very religious, and do I believe in God? Of course I do. But is he real? I HOPE that he is.
Yes, that is exactly what religion is, along with explanations for why things happen that we do not understand.
But the thing is that now we are able to understand many of the things we did not know, how earth was made, how organisms evolve, etc.
And do I believe in god? No, not any more.
I was raised Catholic but when I was old enough to actually think I realized that people have been making up new religions all the time, we have thousands of religions, and which one is the correct one?
Many people are brainwashed into believing in god. When I ask most people why they believe in god they simply say that I am wrong and that god exists. Is that a good argument? No. I can come up with many arguments for why god does not exist.
1. People have been creating religions since humans became intelligent.
2. Many religious stories are completely made up, aka they could not physically happen by what we know today.
3. When people die and then get revived how come they did not go to hell/heaven/wherever they go when they die?
4. There are many religions that are completely different than other ones.
5. There is no proof for god's existence other than our hopes.