Following the fairly recent events of the attacks by KOR I am announcing a split in TGA. Due to the current levels of activity (or lack of) and a situation that looks unsalvageable, a few of us have decided to carve our own way and take a shot at building a new alliance. This will gradually form in the next few days.
Tagged CDF, our main goals for the remainder of this age are rebuilding and preparing the new alliance for the next era of Earth 1. A recruitment message will go up in the appropriate folder in the next few days, though generally for anyone interested - we are looking both for experienced players and a few new ones that we can teach. Right now activity is among the most important qualities we are looking for.
Though we will only be a very minor force this age and not likely to play a part in possible near end of age conflicts, we invite any alliance who wishes to form a formal relation to contact us.
Interim Leader