I don't have a complete understanding of the scope and causes of these problems. Here's what I know. To me, it looks like there are two distinct problems.
Problem #1: Sometimes a game ends and I get a popup that says "you won" or "opponent quit" or something like that, and it shows zero XP, zero gold as the "result" of the match. This is irritating because if the opponent quit, I should get some reward for winning, right?
The behavior which I expect, and which I see in most cases, is that when I get the "opponent quit" message, I see an award of XP and gold but not "ranking points" -- the blue-ribbon thing. I guess this is the expected behavior?
I do not know what causes this, but I'm assuming that it comes from an aberrant or un-graceful sequence of events in the networking stack.
Problem #2: There is a second, separate way that matches sometimes terminate incorrectly. Here is the second process.
(1) Everything is normal. I make my moves, and my turn ends.
(2) Opponent makes no moves, and his timer counts down to 0 and flashes red, but does not reset. It stays at "00".
(3) Long delay, timer still at red "00".
(4) Timer flashes again, match ends with no alert message, and I am returned to the main menu.
This has happened repeatedly with the same opponent, and so I suspect that it may be possible to intentionally initiate this sequence of events.
Has anyone else encountered these errors? I think they may be related to client disconnects (closing the window, pulling your network cable, etc.) If anyone would like to test this together with me, using the friend battle interface, let me know here in this thread.