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 Post subject: Why is UnGd in Australia?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 5:45 pm 

Joined: Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:17 am
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So why is UnGd in Australia?

what is your purpose there?


 Post subject: Re: Why is UnGd in Australia?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 8:51 pm 
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What is it with you guys. First you guys get all butt hurt about people being in Asia and now its Australia?

Why don't you first explain why you care.

PS: Sorry I know this was supposed to be answered by UnGd but you know me, I'm always wondering what is going through UE's heads sometimes (since it never makes sense)

mL / AI / Prr / ROTR / Meow / KM
Oluvai wrote:
There is no clue boost.
bfan8475 wrote:
If i cant put up better comebacks to your insults then its called bullying since i cant put up a fight


 Post subject: Re: Why is UnGd in Australia?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:11 pm 
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Well when I was UE on tick 200 I joined UE1 in Japan and right away contacted Doc Hobo of the UnGd and alerted him that I would work as a splinter cell.

First I would go undercover feeding UnGd with information on the UE as I recall I could get the copy pastes of Doc Hobo telling me UE was not crap but in other words he told me I joined a losing team in the UE and so now that WuXing has exposed mine and Docs plan when I nuked UE on Earth 1 with ten nukes after I agreed to go rogue and delete my colony in order to join the UnGd well stuff does not always work out so now this is why we are attacking Doc Hobo and the UnGd for now letting me in after agreeing to waste my colony on Earth 1 and send the ten nukes at UE three relics,

Here is the link where UG Commander WuXing exposes Doc and my plan, ... f=86&t=994

Edit: To get back on subject of why UnGd is in Australia because Doc Hobo said that UnGd and mL will try to infiltrate the UE through Australia

It is what it is


 Post subject: Re: Why is UnGd in Australia?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:16 pm 
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I'm sure they care because the bad relations created by Doc?

Whats funny to me is the fact UnGd is such a strong alliance but dose not have a relic? This leads me to believe that UnGd made some agreements to stay way from relics, allow "friendlies" the relics. It was Doc's lack of commitment in the rogue attack that denied the UnGd 3 relics.

It's may opinion that if Doc did indeed follow through with his plans to steal the UE relics, he would have no doubt allowed ML his ally to backstabb UnGd for these relics. This UnGd alliance is very different from the real underground. The UnGd leaders are opportunistic holding loyalty to others out side the UnGd alliance. The real UG community hold loyalty to our members first. We also do not jump on every easy street that comes our way. The real underground is and always will be sovereign. Its clear to me that UnGd is a puppet alliance or even a sub.

Follow me into the fires of death and we will conquer the after life our battle field sins have denied us. I am WuXing.


 Post subject: Re: Why is UnGd in Australia?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:27 pm 
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If UE and Doc Hobo had such bad relations, why would UE's leader attempt to recruit him as a member?

mL / AI / Prr / ROTR / Meow / KM
Oluvai wrote:
There is no clue boost.
bfan8475 wrote:
If i cant put up better comebacks to your insults then its called bullying since i cant put up a fight


 Post subject: Re: Why is UnGd in Australia?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 9:40 pm 
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Am not saying nor have I ever said UE and Doc Hobo have bad relations but I know Doc Hobo has had bad relations with UE and any attempt to recruit him into the UE will be the most fatal mistake the UE can ever do. They are only trying to infiltrate the UE and I am proof.

It is what it is


 Post subject: Re: Why is UnGd in Australia?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:08 pm 
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Anywho, we digress. Why does UE care so much about who is building units where?

They cant just relocate different places and then give people a hard time when their is a neutral alliance with units near you. This is getting a bit ridiculous.

I would still like to hear from UE as to why they have an issue with this.

mL / AI / Prr / ROTR / Meow / KM
Oluvai wrote:
There is no clue boost.
bfan8475 wrote:
If i cant put up better comebacks to your insults then its called bullying since i cant put up a fight


 Post subject: Re: Why is UnGd in Australia?
PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:08 am 

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First off, I don't recall a single plan involving you, or an infiltration plans, since the only time I have heard about communication with you (aladar) and Doc, are not even at the time of what you are talking about, and the infiltration into UE has not be attempted, especially not by one like yourself. So for 1 stop making accusations and false pretense that you know you can be called on to be false. It only makes YOU look like the one who is trying to know everything, when in reality you are the one making the rumors to try and slander, and have libel.

As for Australia, why do you care? its a free world isn't it (like besides the obvious of not having to pay for the game...) As I know UE has outposts and training barracks on different locations around the world, is it a crime if we stick together and defend each other now?


 Post subject: Re: Why is UnGd in Australia?
PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 1:45 am 
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Nice to see you back Foxy but you or Doc will never know what has gone on as we keep a tight ship the Underground no matter which Underground is always connected.

The Underground many years ago set out a goal to have a respectful community regardless of win or lose and our motto has always been play the game the best you know how and try to have fun with it.

We do not care for crystals or relics but we care more for training newbs such as yourself and Doc Hobo back at the time on your first era. We took you in with open arms and tried to lead you when we at the time was just learning the game.

But now on Earth 1 Doc Hobo did not even consider inviting the real Underground to the new Battle Dawn. However little did he know I found Battle Dawn at around Tick 200 but Doc thought we joined around Tick 2200 so I quickly spoke with UG Command and alerted the Underground community of the new and exciting changes. Our community invades games by the dozens and dozens with ease by a single email we are responsible for many great players that support many games we play.

All am saying is that Doc came into our forums after he saw us in BD and shot off his mouth and disrespected many not just me.

Let me find quote,

Posted: Jun 18 2009, 07:12 PM

I am not asking for recruits. I do not want a sub. If anyone from here comes into that server and asks to be invited, I may accept you in, but probably not, and anyone not in UnGd will be open to be conquered by us, unless you are in a friendly alliance to us.

How dare Doc Hobo come to us at this date of time DrHoboman thinking we found the game around Tick 2200 and not knowing we established within the first 200 ticks.

How dare Doc Hobo say "I may accept you in, but probably not, and anyone not in UnGd will be open to be conquered by us, unless you are in a friendly alliance to us."

How dare you after all we have done not invite us into our own home despite us leaving whenever we did you shall always respect where you came from or try to claim you are.

And back on topic Australia plans between Doc and I exist I can find the transcripts if needed. WuXing has many transcripts from the Underground IRC with time stamps which will prove that Doc and I had discussions about the United Empire and how they are "crap" and I joined the wrong side this Era. I told Doc UE is #1 in the game and untouchable and he said not to worry because they have plans of setting up in Australia in order to catch UE off guard. This is a fact you can ask Doc yourself Foxy.

He clearly stated to me that if I would nuke the United Empire's 3 relics I would then be accepted into the UnGd after deleting my account. Well then Doc Hobo got scared and really did not want to invite me fearing that I would take control of the UnGd so now we are at our current war.

-King Aladar

It is what it is


 Post subject: Re: Why is UnGd in Australia?
PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:02 am 

Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 9:16 pm
Posts: 126
Excuse me whilst I laugh. Lots.

What the FLUFF are you talking about?

Give screen shots, PLEASE! Oh, wait, IRC's can easily be faked... riiiight, forgot that detail...

Ok, hows about the forum links? Wait, you already gave those in the other thread (where this rant of yours belongs, otherwise you are just spamming your libel) and I already quoted those with timestamps for why you are dead wrong... Honestly, if people actually care about what is going on between you and us, they will look at those forum links.

Lets see here, the quote you gave the world was made by me Jun 18... that is, what? 35 days ago? What tick is it now? 2456. 48 ticks per day, times 35 = 1680, give or take 48 (I will give you the benefit of the doubt, minus the 48 from that to make 1632) now subtract that from 2456 = 1094.

Wow, it is incredibly easy to prove your statements to be inaccurate... in fact, you pretty much tell everyone that your wrong on your own. Why am I even posting again? ...

Look, contain this schizophrenia of yours in the other thread regarding the war you declared on us, this thread is about UnGd's presence in Australia.

So for the real thread :D

UnGd is in Australia because of KoR's build up in NA. Now our presence has escalated thanks to the war that KoR is attempting to start with mL (and dont deny that you are attempting to start a war... Suzaku told me specifically that he had orders to attack mL in North America. Stupidly he attacked us as well... but that is for a different topic :D)

In a nutshell, we try to be good allies. We are doing what we can to flex our limited (and yeah, in Australia it still does suck) military muscle for the event that KoR and mL actually do go to war.

There is absolutely nothing that we want to do with AEX or UE, and Im sure you wont trust my word as is the nature of this game, but I am being as forthright as I dare be. We dont want a war with KoR (or UE or AEX... well, really anyone for that matter) but we will go to war should the need arise to help our allies.

I hope this has helped to explain our presence down under, if you have any more questions, ask away, I will do my best to answer them honestly.

PS: Reminder for Aladar and WuXing, keep your failing attempts at propaganda and libel in the other thread, otherwise it is just spam. Thank you.


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