Authors Note: This article is written from a member of QC's point of view, if you have details about the other side of the story, please feel free to post them.
About a day ago, 2nd rank QC went to war against the top ranked alliance, GG, while BoS and others fought against G.
Current score, power and crystals:
GG: 1069 power, 16 crystals, 11030 score
QC: 981 power, 43 crystals, 10720 score
BoS: 968 power, 30 crystals, 10230 score
A brief history of what happened so far:
QC attacked different areas, conquering Charlie and making others relocate
The members that have relocated are MD and RoMARio JW
No real major battles, but some units have been killed every once in a while, no clear leader at this point, I will update daily or as often as I can, post BRs if you want to and good luck to all participating in the war

Update as of Monday, QC has taken first!
No more members have been conquered, QC now have 45 crystals and is closing the gap on GGs power, narrowly 40 for a difference, and the territory is clashing in the middle, while GG is trying to relocate to a backup hive.
Day 3
Since the garrisons spawned, today has been a slow day, no major battles, SHRK and JAWS have decided to side with GG for this war, but 2 people have left BoS and QC for replacements.
Day 4
There are more garrisons being released at the beginning of tomorrow, which will cause a decrease in warfare, BoS has gotten their replacement in, while QC is still waiting a little for theirs, so for now, BoS is rank 1, with QC a close second by about 400 score, GG trails by about 1,000 at this point, no action from JAWS or SHRK right now, but NLRX has joined on the QC side of the war.
Day 5
There was at tick 450, a temporary ceasefire between G family and QC family, some people are likely really happy that we have a break, but expect a mass spike in the amount of over the weekend as the relics come out and the war rages into Saturday, QC has now been overtaken by BoS in the alliance score, but only trails by a few hundred, so anything is possible at this point, no new people conquered today.
Day 6
BoS is still gaining ground on G family, starting to encroach on them, while the ceasefire (mentioned above)is happening, SHRK and JAWS are invading QC in the south, causing QC to fight back with a major force, SHRK is using dragons, while QC is using pure power, in an effort to strike back, I will post updates when I get them and will be giving a power and score update tomorrow, as the war enters its second week, all the garrisons have been taken.
Day 7
No troops killed, but so many troops moving, not even 1 combat, it is a cat and mouse game, no clear leader at this point.
Day 8
G attacked TLA and conquered, BoS stepped in to help TLA defend but got there late.
Day 9
Turn of events, the relics were released, and now BoS and QC have gone to war as of tick 542, there is no real updates right now but i will post when i get some.
Update at tick 645, baraq was killed, 603 of his units to be exact, and relic 5 was taken by QC, leading a huge victory with minimal losses.
Later the same day (will add tick later) No Name took a big loss in infantry and was conquered by QC.
Day 10
I am sorry for the late power update, never got around to it. But here it is as of tick 572
Rank 1: BoS, 1232 Power, 2 relics, 268 crystals, 19680 score
Rank 2: QC, 1231 power, 2 relics, 178 crystals, 17860 score
Rank 3: GG, 843 power, 1 relic, 61 crystals, 10650 score
No news as of today, I will try and post the person with the most kills as of tick 600 tomorrow or Thursday.
Day 11
There was a battle today, small, but important, rediaR sent 121 units to an OP that was a gate that was downgraded, at tick 592, it was captured by QC, there, 2 members made a defense against his army and won, killing all of his range and armor, me and Poison were the ones who made the defense, this is as of tick 594.
The power update and kill count will come tomorrow evening, around tick 600 and will have a look at the top 3 players score and power, along with relics and crystals.
Day 12
As the second week closes, one of the coalitions alliances is being killed, NLRX has taken a huge blow with about half of its army being conquered, while the other half is out of the hive or with shields up, causing more crystals and almost no losses to go to QC.
In addition, QC now has more power than BoS.
As promised, here are the top 3 players right now, along with the 5 people with most units killed in top 10 alliances.
The top 3 in the worldRank 1: Halfling, 1 relic, 138 power, 80 crystals, score 3980, BoS
Rank 2: Speedman, 1 relic, 185 power (2nd most power right now) 37 crystals, 3590 score, QC
Rank 3: Baraq, 1 relic, 142 power, 53 crystals, 3480 score, BoS
The people with the most units killedRank 1: Baraq, with 5077 units killed, part of BoS
Rank 2: Firemanpete, with 4826 units killed, part of BoS
Rank 3: Halfling, with 4417 units killed, part of BoS
Rank 4: Speedman, with 4132 units killed, part of QC
Rank 5: DANgerous, with 3562 units killed, part of QC
Note: Poison of QC is only about 100 units behind DANgerous, and he will be rank 5 on most units killed very soon, so sorry about that.
If i have messed up on any of this, please tell me in game or on the forum so that I can go back and fix it, I will provide a new update for score and power on Monday evening, this is as of tick 619.
Tomorrow, I will hopefully have G, GG and QCx's side of the story to show, to paint a better picture with the allies, and will work on getting BoS part of the story to post Saturday, in commemoration of the second week of the war.
Happy hunting
Day 13
Today we have a little story about GG and G's history this era, but that is really all for now.
Commander Stick wrote this:
Day 14
Today may be the last day this has to go on, the war is going into its climax and the tension is peaking, BoS had turned back squads.
Day 15
Slow news day today, nothing interesting besides the fact firemanpete was hit by a dragon.
Big battle happened last night, but is on a different topic, AParkedCart can post the link, nice fight BoS.
Day 16
As it is Memorial Day, I held a bit of a ceremony by myself for my troops (joking of course) just waiting, but the best sleep I have had in a while.
Day 17
GG trapped a lot of units that BoS had, around 580, and they were disbanded, QC rebounded and killed part of Thieves Guild's army (104 units) and are quickly rebuilding, while Halfling turned back squads.
Day 18
Sorry for late post, forgot. 200 units of BoS killed by G.
Day 19
Look at the squads fly! TLA and QC are fighting right now, while BoS moves to confront G and GG, this looks like it is going to be close between those 2, while QC has QCx to help them.
Day 20
We all knew this was coming, Banana Stand was a spy, and sold us out, he took SHRKs side and is considered a backstabber, will post updates later.
No real updates to post. We have Banana Stand's relic back though.
Day 21
Happy week 3 everyone...
I have noticed something about SHRK, they always run when they see an attack or defense made, that has been proved over the past few weeks and it was proved again recently, whether or not this will keep happening I do not know, but I hope it ends soon. Will post updates as I get them.
Day 22
People are leaving QC, relics were released this tick and some of us are making negotiations for other alliances.
Day 31 I think
Sorry about the large lack of updates, with QC down, I had nothing to update about, but now I do.
SHRK broke out in war with G family/RF, which SHRK deserves, they kick people while they are down. As of right now, some QC members have stopped playing, Pizza joined AAT, I am leading an AAT sub, speedman found his way into GG, and Terror is now part of SG I think. SHRK is warring and I believe one of their members is down, so G looks like they are winning this war, but it is too early to tell.
Day 32
Second month, second war, I am helping BoS again and am just waiting for some G troops, no hard feelings to my friend speedman, just what war is about.
Day 33
No new updates, just a spamfest right now.
Day 34
No updates unless I get mail, will post them tomorrow, but some SHRK members are getting killed, and RF is being pushed back a big lot.
Day 60
Sorry for the huge lack of updates, nothing to really report on and busy in other worlds.
BoS and SHRK had a huge fight, which BoS won. SHRK boosted back, and it has been a spamfest since then.
AFH went into a small conflict with V (formerly HOT) and won, after pushing RF back. KHAN had to recently deal with someone rebelling against them and going rouge. TLA and AAT are now in a war with each other for sniping. Updates as they come in.
Day 61
Final confrontation incoming, BoS vs SHRK for the last time, it seems.
-LightIce of AFH (All Friends Here)