Michael asked me to make this competition to challenge the players to contribute with their graphic skills. And to give me the opportunity to hand out tokens which is always fun

The dimensions of the banners: 728x90, 468x60, 120x600, 160x600, 300x250, 125x125.
File types: GIF, JPG, PNG, SWF.
Size limit: is 60,000 bytes, except for 125x125 limited to 40,000 bytes.
The reward is 1000 tokens per banner we choose to use. I know there are a lot of players and forumers who are more then capable of making some great banners. Just keep in mind not to use any copyrighted material (except for BD).
I wish you all good luck and look forward to see what you can create, and I might even try to make something myself!


Thank you Michael
Thank you developers
(^-check out the topics)