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 Post subject: ARM Vs ROTR by Matty
PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:46 am 

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he he he well its been quite a while since i cam and had a look at the forums.. i have to say creel u r quite the comidien. really make me chuckl..

it seems that Arm have over taken ROTR by over 8000 points. and yes thats right, ARM have an infanrty army, and so far it has taken out 4 players armys of tanks and vehicles from ROTR.

there are three reasons we have been able to do this.

1. Creel (ROTR leader) could not organise a p**s up in a cider farm
2. Arm is very active
3. Arm is very organised

I have come to learn that with a little time and a little effort even the highest of mountains can be climbed. I have to admit at first i persoanly doubted wether ROTR could be beaten. The main thing they had going for them was there activity. Every attack we made every move we tried to make there whole alliance would have been online to counter it.

Then things changed. I can only asume that some of there player got comphy at the top. They got complasant and the activity began to drop a little. They got smart with the rest of the world and began to lose allies and befor ROTR knew it, it was the whole world VS them.

Finaly i think ROTR have resorted to donation to try and biuld them selves back up. Has any one ever seen the boost bar going up so fast with 700 ticks left in a round? Every 3 days boom another 6000 metal and oil. must be costing them a small fortune.

ROTR i think we can safely say the end is near. i have to admit this is the most fun i have ever had in a round. its a shame really ROTR have a lot of good commited players i guess all u needed was some one to keep every thing in order, not a leader that would get it all and then lose it all so much quicker.

lol its been fun :)

Matty of WARDOG



 Post subject: Re: ARM Vs ROTR by Matty
PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:14 am 
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we donate? I am pretty sure no one in our alliance has donated as much as you have. I mean.. you open up your credit cards when you lose your arm.

I have stopped donating for the past month. so cant say I raised the boost bar. I know others havent donated.. you know there is a little thing called Tax time for people. and we have to do taxes.

And btw.. you beat 4 people.. woopie doo. How many times have we beat you? Um lets see more than you can count on your hands.

anyway.. just keep boosting.. we would like to have more metal please :)


 Post subject: Re: ARM Vs ROTR by Matty
PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:31 am 
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dukey wrote:
we donate? I am pretty sure no one in our alliance has donated as much as you have. I mean.. you open up your credit cards when you lose your arm.

I have stopped donating for the past month. so cant say I raised the boost bar. I know others havent donated.. you know there is a little thing called Tax time for people. and we have to do taxes.

And btw.. you beat 4 people.. woopie doo. How many times have we beat you? Um lets see more than you can count on your hands.

anyway.. just keep boosting.. we would like to have more metal please :)

I am sure Toppie does though. Or am I mistaken ?

Armenian forever
OLD BD - ARM leader, AL, HD, SIMP, TBH
New BD - XI , DROW leader - SD , SoLD
e1 A3, A4 - ARM leader (V) e1 A6 ARM.Rank 1. e1A8 ARM.Rank1. e1A10.XXXleader. e1A11 ARM leader


 Post subject: Re: ARM Vs ROTR by Matty
PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:36 am 

Joined: Mon Aug 03, 2009 12:29 pm
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we donate? I am pretty sure no one in our alliance has donated as much as you have. I mean.. you open up your credit cards when you lose your arm.

I have stopped donating for the past month. so cant say I raised the boost bar. I know others havent donated.. you know there is a little thing called Tax time for people. and we have to do taxes.

And btw.. you beat 4 people.. woopie doo. How many times have we beat you? Um lets see more than you can count on your hands.

anyway.. just keep boosting.. we would like to have more metal please

lol wow ur a mature young man come at me with what i just came at you with..

if im taking the piss out of you for donating do u really think i am?

lol i havent touched to boost button since tick roughly 1000 if u hadnt noticed we got a lot of chrystals ie a lot of metal.

Grow a pube dukey ;)

i dont want u blocking up this thread with ur bull make ur own topic if u wanna talk our ur bum cus no one else wants to here it kido
Go get em tiger :)
Matty of WARDOG

God of RAW


 Post subject: Re: ARM Vs ROTR by Matty
PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:33 am 
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Amazing, you combined the crystals of ARM, ARMT, Ueki, and ERC, and you gloat. I'm not shocked, I get a message from you every day about how wonderful you are.

Yes, you killed a few players army's in the past day. 2 suicides because they had to leave the game for real life situations, and 2 you successfully killed. Well done on those 2, I'll give you that. Or, I will give that to Tabula and Tigran, I'm sure it was their coordination that did it, not yours.

As for not donating, you will have to tell me, after we killed all of ERC, and ARM twice, and 1/2 of UEKI, so by count that is

ERC - 10 Army's
ARM - 20 Army's
ARMT - 6 Army's
39th - 5 Army's
UEKI - 6 Army's
Total 47 Army's - give or take a couple, I'm not counting.

But you don't donate :shock: I wonder, how is it you've been able to rebuild so quickly. We kill 7500 infantry, and then 1 week later, we have a new 7500 infantry to contend with. Amazing.

Six reasons why this is and why ARM now leads

1 - You abuse the Bounty system, I've seen members trading crystals and Bounty's all era. I would suspect you have accumulated as a collective group, a good 800K of metal this era just on collecting the bounty's of your Ally's...

2 - You donate a ton, I see the Boost bar going nuts after we take out your army. It amazes me when we have knocked down your power to under 30, and several other members to under 20, I have even seen 5 as a power, meaning you have no workers, yet you still come back in a week with 30 squads.

3 - The ridiculous Overhead %'s. I find it unreasonable that after I kill your army, which I've done before, that you can build Range units at a fraction of the cost that it takes me to replace my armor I lost. Really? Does that seem fair? It is one of the huge reasons that I'm taking some time off of this game after this era. They need to seriously look at rebalancing several different areas of this game.

4 - Wreckages from battles. Okay, so the defender of an op gets the metal wreckage from the battle. This makes a whole lot of sense. While I'm pummelling your army and killing everyone of your units, you somehow manage to take back 150K of metal back to your hive and build new units at a fraction of the price it takes for me to build replacement armor.

5 - No Experience. Okay, so we have killed since I entered this war 2 months ago, approximately 47 army's. Many of my range units are still in tact from all those battles, yet you can build units that are just as powerful as my units right away. So here my soldiers keep destroying and killing units, but they don't get any better at it. This I've been complaining about since this new client. I've been vocal, I've told everyone, Admin, BDTT, anyone that can make the change to this game. They either don't want to make the change and just humor me by saying it is coming, or they are planning on doing it but just not getting around to it. I can guarantee one thing, I will not start another era until they make this change...

6 - Tabula entered the ARM team. I've played with and against him. He is a formidable leader, very coordinated, and very analytical. He knows how to place this game as well as any. Since he's entered this war, the tides have changed. He's gathered the members (score & activity levels) that is making the difference for ARM. I know without a doubt, he is the sole reason why the game has changed lately in favor of ARM. There's not a doubt in my mind if he was not there we'd be destroying you, much like we did the first 1000 ticks before he jumped in.


 Post subject: Re: ARM Vs ROTR by Matty
PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:46 am 
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No one has donated at all. Trust me by saying this. We have not donated since this little war started.. its always the other way around. Heck.. just lose your army and pull out your credit cards again. so we all can get another boost.

Only person in your alliance that has skill is Tabula and Tazpock. The rest are credit card people.

Money does not buy skill. It buys you grief on the forums when you make yourself a jack*** by saying false stuff.


 Post subject: Re: ARM Vs ROTR by Matty
PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:16 pm 
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Hard to coordinate while on vacation. The war from here on out will be more interesting for me to watch.

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 Post subject: Re: ARM Vs ROTR by Matty
PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:15 pm 

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i guess the only person who can say how much people have donated is the admins right... and creel i cnt be bothered to read that great speal cus i know 90% of it will be u moaning about the game and how unfair things are and no doubt how players have taken advantage of this and that. clearly u dnt change. when ur ahead ur cocky try to talk down to people look down ur nose at people and even when ur behind ur do the same bloody amazing.

it would be interesting ill contact admin to see if they can provide some infomation obviously only about my donating habbits. ull be shocked; well that little gobby kid wil,l dukey, the little know it all, lol, he doesnt know any thing. eh chief that right ent it ?
any way i have nothing more to say just enjoy the end of round. ill provide you with some donating facts. So that u can all hang ur heads in shame when u realise skills have taken u down not money

Matty of WARDOG



 Post subject: Re: ARM Vs ROTR by Matty
PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 3:04 pm 
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chang108 wrote:
any way i have nothing more to say just enjoy the end of round.

Matty of WARDOG


Oh no, please don't do that. You know how much we love it when you drop by or when you send us an in game message. Please, please, please...



 Post subject: Re: ARM Vs ROTR by Matty
PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 5:46 am 
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Creel. For one sec I thought we were over this, now tell me are you sore because you are losing or because you can't lead my friend ? I never heard you complaining for this and that when you won, had the lead. Now somehow many have pretty much to complain about .

Tides started changing cos I brought in better people, more active and willing for the alliance, and that is what ? Have you forgotten that you merged with LotR and before that you were a rank 3-4 alliance ? got their crystals, and soon will take HnK crystals to win a losing round ? hehe. who cares man ? get over it, this is a game .And now Zano gave up his crystals, and what is coming next? I hope he isn't getting kicked is he.

And about donating, tell me you or any of ROTR doesn't donate.
Toppie lost his army, then bam next day we check he has over 800 workers and 2gold star power. what about that...
Or duCkey, tell me he lost his army and in two days he wasn't back with 30 squads?

Talking about Tab being in ARM, I saw Avi joined ROTR, should I start writing each of ROTR squad movements under his name now ?
And Believe me there are far more good people and mind players in ARM than you imagine.

You know what made me play more serious against you ? After you mocked an entire Nation supporting duCkey. First wanting genocide then changing the tag to who committed the genocide - Ottoman Turks. The game may have no rules for it, but I have a few in my heart


Armenian forever
OLD BD - ARM leader, AL, HD, SIMP, TBH
New BD - XI , DROW leader - SD , SoLD
e1 A3, A4 - ARM leader (V) e1 A6 ARM.Rank 1. e1A8 ARM.Rank1. e1A10.XXXleader. e1A11 ARM leader


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