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Post subject: Vulnar's conquer - a wrongdoing explained Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 7:06 am |
Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2009 3:47 am Posts: 8 Location: Thessaloniki, Greece Gender: male
Dear Battle Dawn Players,
I hereby submit my view on me being conquered by "fellow" alliance members in the early ticks of this round, as after I was kicked out of the alliance I should have the chance to express my view and be given the reasons to this. Instead, I was banned even from the main members' MSN accounts. Starting the round after asking to be part of Creel's alliance, XI, I had informed him that I was ready to give my potential to help this alliance, until I was called for army duty. This had as a result to reach rank 2 with tons of power, before something went completely wrong. So this led to what? I was asked to relocate until tick 200. While still developing and expanding one's personal empire and helping the alliance to gain points, you cannot start off with the cost of a relocation. Was this due to alliance strategy or was it only a request of Kane who started in the same region and could not compete in the "Hunt"? Furthermore, the asked relocation point was not far enough from where I initially was (from the Persian Gulf to Saudi Arabia), so it seemed pointless, since no explanation was given. So, was there another explanation but Kane? If it was a justified call, why weren't we both asked to relocate? And in the end, when I was approved to join I was given these coords, and there I started! Then I was accused of stealing conquers. How many times have I informed Creel that Kane was stealing conquers as well? If Creel saves his MSN conversations he can count them. Kane was devastated in the last round by GML and me in person and therefore had to do anything to stop me, ignoring that now we were on the same side. And this was not solved by our leader Creel, showing lack of leadership. And about hunting in more than one regions, that was common practice of more members, showing only the compeptence of each member. Then it came to the defences in our collonies against Prr. One more accusation from our leader's "buddies". My colony's distance from the rest was only a few ETA. When I saw Prr in strike distance from any colony I launched massive defences. I am always vigilant and for 3 rounds I have never left any member of my alliance unprotected. It's a matter of ethics. But due to the fact that justice needs proof, I should have guarded my back from my allies with print screens. I didn't know it was necessary in such an alliance. Yet I think there are witnesses to this. Last, but not least, I was accussed by an elite member of BD, my friend Mo, that when he needed oil I did not send him any. He says that I asked metal to send him the oil he needed. I have never done this and I have always helped allies in need, when it was within my capabilities. This is a terrible lie, but luckily I have stored the conversation to provide proof to anyone asking. Mo also accussed me of having only too few outposts for the alliance. May I remind that in the alliance I was 1st or 2nd in the total number of outposts built or held by conquer for more than enough ticks? Gates and radars I had not, that's true, but I had not the buildings to build them either. But these foothold-outpost would soon turn into gates. The outposts that were obsolete are razed. That's how it goes. If I was asked to keep them or to build new ones, you know I would respond ASAP. For all these reasons without justification or prior notice I got kicked. Some members of the XI have just proved weaked and the leadership of Creel takes credit for this. Does an alliance need a leadership that is swayed back and forth by a handful of egopathical, plotting and revengeful members? I must add that with all other members of XI I had, I have and I will not have any problems whatsoever. Be sure that you will reconsider, as we would fight along perfectly till the end. But Avi, Creel and Kane have never let me prove the help I wanted to offer towards the profit of the alliance. What fear has a good soldier of the alliance inspired? As for you who want to be real friends and allies, I expect you to let the sweet talk and start to act accordingly. And this counts you Mo, as well, as I respect you for your skill much more than the people who act as if they respected you. For those who respect history and take lessons from it. In the Persian wars (480 BC), the Greeks with a handful of light warships stood against the masses of the persian armada in the straights of Salamis. Themistocles, the Athenian admiral, was accussed by his spartan ally of stupidity and treason to have trapped the navy in this conflict and he was slapped by him. Themistocles answered the slap with his famous saying: "Hit me first, but then outhear me." And they won. I thank you all for the good times you have given me in this strategy game. Serious gaming is over for me until I leave for my army duty. All those who know me in my real life and through the game long enough, I am a man of principle and put the team's good above all other. With regards, Vulnar
P.S.1: Kane, I have headhunted you once already. Be sure this was not the last time. P.S.2: Avi, we all know your tricks of the trade. Be active, not talkative. P.S.3: Creel, this must be one of your major mistakes in your Battledawn eras. May you be forgiven, son. After all, I was active, I was good, I played seriously and you still kicked me. That is an insult, as it is. P.S.4: Mo, I really respect you ten times more than you think. And more than you think others do.
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Post subject: Re: Vulnar's conquer - a wrongdoing explained Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:46 am |
Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 7:18 pm Posts: 1410 Location: Georgia Tech Gender: male
I knew this post was coming, and now let me clear up the misconceptions riddled within. Quote: Instead, I was banned even from the main members' MSN accounts. You had me blocked a great deal of the time, momentarily unblocking me only when you needed my assistance. This is one of the many requests of Creel you ignored, he told you to unblock me or you would be kicked, and you did not. Strike one of many. Quote: This had as a result to reach rank 2 with tons of power, before something went completely wrong. I knew you would brag about your power, no one ever accused you of not being able to rank yourself up... you are very good at that. The problem however is this rank up was at the cost of your alliance members, not in assistance of them. Your power did not help the alliance, not once did I see you expend any resources to help anyone else the entire time you played under XI. Quote: I was asked to relocate until tick 200. Yes you were, by the Minister of War of the alliance many times, by someone who was your friend (at the time), and by your leader several times. This was not arbitrary, the pod setup for XI was carefully organized. We had a small problem with the African pod setting up in Yemen but we were dealing with it fine. Asia is one of the weakest, if not THE weakest, farming areas in all the world... yet our pod already had 6 members with another 5 members nearby in Yemen. You placed your colony without asking Creel first where to do so. You overcrowded our area and had this continued the pod's other members would be choked for conquers. As is obvious, hunting was not my problem, even liberating and assisting others in the alliance with getting conquers (Something you have never done) I still managed over 110 with you stealing every one you could. I was not worried about my own economy, but that of my neighbors who are suffering right now. Look at Fullmetal, Lorna Dane, Day of Darkness. Had you not setup here our economy would be much more vibrant. Not only that, Africa was in desperate need of assistance. The pod leader there asked many times for help to control the area. I saw an overcrowded area with an extra person that didn't belong and nearby an area that desperately needed another player to help. So I did the obvious, I asked you to move. You agreed to do this several times, I even gave you the resources to do this... but time and time again you said you would move your colony and armies ASAP only to send out more conquering squads (with the oil I gave you to move mind you) into Asia with the excuse that you didn't have oil. You were asked by Creel to move or face being kicked, he even gave you a tick date to have it accomplished. You ignored this like the many other requests of your alliance. Quote: Furthermore, the asked relocation point was not far enough from where I initially was (from the Persian Gulf to Saudi Arabia), so it seemed pointless, since no explanation was given. So, was there another explanation but Kane? If it was a justified call, why weren't we both asked to relocate? And in the end, when I was approved to join I was given these coords, and there I started! The point of the relocation was not to move you far away, it was to focus your efforts from the Caspian pod to the Yemen pod. EXTENSIVE explanation was given by myself, Mo, and Creel. You IGNORED this extensive explanation time after time after time. It was a justified call which was based on relieving the pressure on the Asian area so that the lower ranked members would not be left in the dust, to bolster our forces in Africa, and to separate you from me. I am capable of playing with anyone, I play for the team, but you could not put your hate for me aside and play the game, and this was your downfall. As for being given those coordinates, this is not what I heard... from my knowledge you asked where Creel was and placed, only THEN asking for an invitation. Quote: Then I was accused of stealing conquers. You stole many conquers from myself, Lorna Dane, Lupu, Mo, Cleo, and many more. You are well known as a conquer stealer. I only took 1-2 from you that you actually launched on first. This was of course only after you had agreed to leave Asia citing lack of oil as the reason for delay. Interesting how you have the oil to attack conquers but not to follow through with what you were ordered by your leader to do, and promised me to do. Also, not once did you do any work in helping anyone else get conquers. Many times did I see someone work hard to liberate some only to have you fly in behind them to the infrastructure they setup and take half the liberated ones, enjoying the work that your alliance did while helping none at all yourself. I saw you constantly raze outposts people were using to wait for conquers, they were not obsolete at all. Not once did you setup a single radar or gate for the alliance, despite having the structures to do this. (I know you had at least gate, and the radar structure was very cheap, with your income it would have been foolish to not have it). You only had 8 outposts when you left XI. You had more conquers than Mo or myself (as a result of conquering instead of helping) and yet we both maintain healthy amounts of radars and gates for the betterment of the alliance. Can you name even one thing you did that helped the alliance? One thing at all? Quote: Kane was devastated in the last round by GML and me in person and therefore had to do anything to stop me, ignoring that now we were on the same side. I have worked several times with Tabula successfully, I never let my dislike for his playstyle prevent me from cooperating with him or even befriending him. That's right, I consider Tabula a friend, despite my distaste for some of his gameplay choices. This was never a problem for me. Some of my best friends were in GML when I was "devastated" (despite finishing #1), and I have no problems with them either. If you recall Vulnar, I also left that round with a positive kill ratio against you. I already fought you, killed more of your armies than you killed of mine, and came out top ranked... I have nothing to prove, and I held no ill will against you. It is you who could not put this in the past, it is you who made this personal, and it is you who was unable to recognize that we were now on the same time. I have shown many times I can work with GML players, even Tabula, so your statement is quite simply false. Easy to see, I tried to work with you, but you refused to show me the same courtesy, which is why it came to this. Quote: Then it came to the defences in our collonies against Prr. Ah yes. Prr. You did not help in a single defense or a single attack against them. The only time you launched against anything with a "Prr" flag was when it had a yellow flag and you were merely trying to poach conquers from the efforts of your alliance, offering no assistance of any kind from yourself in any capacity. Can you provide even one battle report where you fought any Prr units? Anything at all? Because I can show you dozens from myself and the rest of the TEAM. Quote: He says that I asked metal to send him the oil he needed. The defense of my colony, two of our most active of the Asian pod were away for the day and I had 12 squads incoming on my colony. When I asked for assistance, while most players would help, while I would have helped you... your only response was asking if you were being ordered to help. In the public MSN conversation no doubt. When I said of course not and asked you again for assistance you demanded I be more polite. I needed the help, and asked a third time with plenty of please and thank yous. No one should force a team mate to beg for help like you made me do. After all this, you ask what I would like for help. I looked at what you had on your colony and requested those. Rather than helping, you sent the very units you said you'd assist me with away from your colony to go grab more conquers! Inconceivable! I did not see personally your conversation with Mo, but he is no liar, you had over 12k oil and he needed some of it to send the defense you refused to send. All I know for sure was that he didn't get any oil from you, and was forced to take every drop from a member who had far less than you simply because you didn't help. Another instance of making this personal and putting your hatred for me above playing as a team, which I would never do. Quote: May I remind that in the alliance I was 1st or 2nd in the total number of outposts built or held by conquer for more than enough ticks? Not a single of which was of help to the team. Not a single one upgraded, and each of them was razed immediately for resources rather than being able to be used by anyone. We had to stop using your outposts to move units because you would immediately raze them, making us unable to send attacks. You didn't care if we needed them, there were resources in it for you to raze. The rest of your post has nothing in it to quote and refute, so I will not get into it. I am sorry this is what it came to, but you were given many chances to help. There are only so many times we could watch you serve yourself at the expense of the alliance, only so many requests from the leader you can ignore, and only so many refusals to help anyone else before the leader of the alliance has to put an end to it. Creel showed tremendous leadership here, and if not for all the reasons above, any number of less violent options could have been explored. I considered strongly simply ignoring the many falsities you proclaim here, but if you will take the time to put them forth, I suppose it is only fair for me to take the time to set the record straight. What must be understood, and what Vulnar constantly made more clear as the round went on, is that was not a personal squabble that got out of hand... this was you choosing time and time again to serve yourself over the alliance, and it can only go on so long before the alliance decides to not be taken advantage of anymore.
_________________ Kane - GLA - LoM - UBL - TdCt - Simp -------------- Beware the wrath of Ovaltine Jenkins, for he shall show no mercy.
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Post subject: Re: Vulnar's conquer - a wrongdoing explained Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:04 am |
Joined: Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:09 am Posts: 196 Gender: male
Vulnar my friend (i hope that we still are), you and kane have a long history of grudge, we all know that. but even though you two had that history most of our lead players (creel, mo, myself, gaurav, and others) were excited and honored to have you with us. i also told you that in person. no need to mention that one of our most important players, renee, has a good relationship with you. now, because i really respect you as a man and as a heck of a player, im not going to answer everyone of your explanations/claims/accusations etc. i just want to tell you this: please ask yourself how is it that all those players i mentioned above voted almost unanimously in favor of making you leave (all except for renee). all are respected players who have never done that before and all would put the team before their own rankings. is it possible that maybe, just maybe you did something wrong? i believe that before you run to accuse everyone, you better first check where you were wrong yourself. no one had anything against you. in fact, any other player whose name wasn't 'vulnar' would not survived in our team as long as you did. just think about it. P.S.: i didnt understand what you wrote about me. i am probably the most active BD player this round 
_________________ BUL5 - LoM - UBL - F69 - XI
psg188 wrote: There are a few lessons to learn here: #5 Don't fight Avi
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Post subject: Re: Vulnar's conquer - a wrongdoing explained Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:30 am |
Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:46 am Posts: 174 Gender: male
Well, there's not much else to be said. I'm sorry it had to come to this. All I can say is in all the eras and servers I've played, I feel confident that I've always been regarded as a fair and unbiased player. For me to have to have come to this decision speaks volumes to the issue at hand.
Good luck to you in the Army Vulnar.
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Post subject: Re: Vulnar's conquer - a wrongdoing explained Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:36 am |
Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:53 am Posts: 70 Gender: male
Suffice to say that I stand over everything that I said. Help was asked for and was not given.
I regret what happened to Vulnar and hope that he will still be a friend of mine but in my opinion his actions over a considerable period left our leader with no choice in this matter.
_________________ E4 KOA - BUL5 E4 Fozzie Bear - The Muppets E1 Juggernaut - The Xavier Institute E1 Mo of KOA - The Fighting 69th E3-A5 Mo of Kingdom of Armagh - ARM E3-A6 Barney Gumble - The Simpsons
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Post subject: Re: Vulnar's conquer - a wrongdoing explained Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:24 pm |
Sergeant |
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Joined: Sat Jun 27, 2009 10:25 am Posts: 121 Gender: male
Vulnar. You are still good in the GML book. That probably means you are a top player in any other book.
Don't worry about 1 round, when you return, I will have a talk with you.
As for XI, good luck.
_________________ Marc says: your not getting my number [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says: I don't want it You're always online Marc says: i do sleep [email protected] (E-mail Address Not Verified) says: LIES
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Post subject: Re: Vulnar's conquer - a wrongdoing explained Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:42 pm |
Joined: Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:09 am Posts: 196 Gender: male
i hate it when you can't change your name in the forum... i dont know who is who...
who are you catastrophic?
_________________ BUL5 - LoM - UBL - F69 - XI
psg188 wrote: There are a few lessons to learn here: #5 Don't fight Avi
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Post subject: Re: Vulnar's conquer - a wrongdoing explained Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:06 pm |
Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 7:00 pm Posts: 799 Location: Ohio Gender: male
fun stuff
_________________ mL / AI / Prr / ROTR / Meow / KM
Oluvai wrote: There is no clue boost. bfan8475 wrote: If i cant put up better comebacks to your insults then its called bullying since i cant put up a fight
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Post subject: Re: Vulnar's conquer - a wrongdoing explained Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 3:51 am |
Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2009 1:12 pm Posts: 21 Gender: male
I can't say to much about you Vulnar It was the first time we played arm by arm and second time ever I would lied if i had said that your skills weren't appropriate to our alliance - everyone who played against you at least once know how danger and deadly enemy you can be and earlier posts only confirming that. As I said, before this round I met you only once and we were fighting with eachother and that was unforgettable war so I regret even more saying how much disappointed I was watching your play in XI. I felt like last time - I saw Vulnar fighting with our members for every conquer with only this difference that we didn't lose units in these fights with you. Every active enough and donating player can reach great power even without support from his alliance but you recognize great players by their team work - you can be the most powerful player on the world but you won't win against organized team because team is the one of the biggest values in BD - what actually you should know the best.
I don't know why you didn't manage to gain our trust - dosen't matter if that was intentionally or not - but without that trust your value for alliance was much smaller then your score showed.
Hopefully we will meet again on the battlefield - playing against you was a great pleasure.
_________________ NC: E4:A3 MupT Gonzo of ChickenLove E1:A2 XI Iceman of Drake's Castle RC Fantasy VV THHG of Antioch E1:A1 F69 Galzin of Daisho OC: NOM,ARM,SIMP
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Post subject: Re: Vulnar's conquer - a wrongdoing explained Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:57 pm |
Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2009 3:47 am Posts: 8 Location: Thessaloniki, Greece Gender: male
Dear all, dear friends,
After I have taken some time off to finalise some pending matters in my life (I finally got my degree in Economics!), I want to close this chapter of my battledawn career with some final words.
As I have mentioned again, I am quitting active BD playing because I have to attend my army duties. But I will do so quite disappointed, since my last participation has been spoiled by the XI and the decision of its leader Creel to kick me out and then conquer me. After I tackle this issue with this last post, I promise first to myself and then to you, that I will never again get involved with it.
I had the expectation that more people related with this incident would have an opinion on the matter, and would have the guts to state it in public, rather that sitting back like a dead duck. However, all individuals directly addressed in my first post felt offended enough to spend a few lines for me.
Kane, you obviously have invested a considerable amount of time to analyse every single word of mine, and I congratulate you for the volume of the lies you managed to come up with.
For the record, my MSN has always been open for the alliance group. On the contrary, I was denied of any communication after I was kicked. And who are you to judge if my score was helping the alliance or not? I provided everything to the alliance I was asked to, and I could do so due to my high score. Furthermore, my initial coordinates were specifically pinpointed by Creel himself (existing convo record for anyone who will doubt me) and was 100% not willing to abandon my spot and conquers just because a certain someone was too arrogant to share some space and felt that I was stealing his conquers. Cause I only see this certain someone complaining about conquers and none else. If anyone else shares that opinion, let them speak for themselves, we are all adults here, no lawyers needed. And the proof is that you wanted me to move from this certain someone’s pod to another pod close enough to be cheap enough to do, but far enough to not reduce his personal hunting potential. So that only this certain someone could do alone the decisioning on where his pod’s area actually was, since he had conquers in all northern Europe, Mediterranean, Balkans and Asia, instead of solely Asia. Interesting, isn’t it, who that certain someone could be, that was capable enough to influence a whole alliance against me with his undermining cunning words….
It looks like the same cunning words that Kane used to abandon his alliance and beg for the safety of PAW, best allies of GML at that moment, so that he can still brag around for his “rank #1” in that around. You should be kissing Avi’s *** and Tabula’s good mood that spared yourself and your 800 tanks or you would really had been devastated and would only be proud about your “mighty snipers” now!
Even now, you dare to bring up the Prr issue, were you totally messed up as a Minister of War and turned a few hours battle into a couple of days war, after making sure that I would all my units in the area while I was offline. And about the defences, everyone knows that I have NEVER left an ally undefended, no matter who or what, it is a matter of principle, so there is no point in you trying to prove the opposite. And for your information, I could not build the gate and radar building anytime earlier, as I only did a minimum donation this round, and again I was never asked by the alliance to change anything on this section of my gameplay. I would have acted immediately. So, one thing I am really happy about going to the army is that I will not be able to see the ridiculously huge and misleading response of yours any time soon.
Avi, I am sorry I am encouraging Kane to kiss your ***, but I know you are a great person and you can tolerate that much. Your words are the only ones I can take seriously into consideration. But you certainly know that there are friends and friends, even in a game world. Of course in a dispute there are always two to blame, but I have been told that you only conquer your enemies, you don’t conquer your friends. That shows mean, nothing more nothing less.
Mo, we all know where know where you stand and how well-respected you are, but the records of our discussion are saved in my computer and prove you wrong, Stop gambling with your reputation. And although I disagree with your choice, I respect you more than the people you consider your ingame friends.
As far as Creel is concerned, there is more than much to be said, but you never tried to listen. You showed how biased you really are, not only with your decision to kick AND conquer me, but with other of your choices as well. When or example you chose to ignore my complaints about Kane launching attacks with more squads from closer OPs when I was already in the air for some ticks. And don’t tell me you are not aware that any player needs some time to adapt in a new team, especially in an alliance as strong and active as XI, especially when not being there since tick #1, especially when his leader and certain others are not supportive at all, especially when Kane is crying over my head since my very first tick, etc, etc. Don’t try to hide behind your “being fair” reputation, half of which you made playing with or against me (one more reason why you had to know how I play), cause you make me wonder why you are actually not able to settle in one alliance. Nicely done ruining this round. I have only one thing to tell you: you can only tell half the truth when you have only ears in one side. History will judge you.
My guest stars now,
Tigran, please, do not ever dare to judge Tabula’s moral again, cause I just remembered that when they kicked, in MSN you were pretending you were trying to help me and in the game your were launching attacks against my conquers, ticks before I get conquered my self and they get freed for you. If that is not nasty then I don’t what is!
Cleopatra, next time I am going to get kicked and conquered by my own alliance and you will happen to be in it, I will make sure I will reserve some more for you to re-conquer, be happy. Shame, Cleo, great shame! As if we haven’t been partners for several rounds. If not anyone else, I expected you to know where you come from and where you should stand. Shame!
To the rest of my friends in XI, thank you for not taking part in the attack against, but you know that washing one’s hands doesn’t wash one’s guilt away. No hard feelings though, from a point of view, I can understand your position, although I would have personally acted different.
Concluding, I need to thank you all, no matter our relation, for your good words. It is always good to be considered a high class player. But I have proven many times that I did never ask for this, the most important prize for me is RESPECT, not only in words, but also in action, from all parties. I congratulate you all for some great rounds and may we find ourselves allies or opponents some time again in the long future. Those who know me know what they will miss…
“Ab alio expectes, alteri quod feceris”
Bets regards and a nice round to all,
Vulnar of Minas Ithil
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