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 Post subject: Spies
PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:20 am 

Joined: Wed Aug 12, 2009 1:18 am
Posts: 1
What do spies do?


 Post subject: Re: Spies
PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2009 12:31 am 
Lieutenant Major
Lieutenant Major
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Spies can be used on the offence or the defence they are invisable to all players who are not in your alliance

If you place your spy on a non allied target to generate infiltration ticks
these infiltration ticks can be sold (with energy) to put the target location on a disadvantage
-hurting troops
-traping troops
the more infiltration ticks the higher chance of your operation succededing over the possible defences

If you place your spy on an allied target you can sell energy to gain "spy protection" spy protection stacks by sets of 50s and protects your coloney from spy attacks yourspy also generates infiltration ticks on the friendly target that protects it against hostile spies

when a spy is used on a non friendly target that has some form of protection a spy battle starts
the way spy battles work

on the Defence you have spy protection X and friendly infiltration ticks Y
On the offence you have the attacking spies infiltration ticks Z

it will be X+Y vs Z the side with the higher number of ticks "wins" and eliminates the other spy

with numbers

X50 spy protection + Y 10 infiltration ticks vs Z100 infiltration ticks
Z is higher then X+Y so it wins and the defensive spy is killed and the spy protection is removed aswell as the spy action has been done

now if the situation is like this
X250 + Y 100 Vs Z 50 X+Y is higher the hostile spy is killed and no action is done to hurt the target

hope that helps

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