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 Post subject: Hey, not new, but late is better than never.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:36 pm 
Lieutenant Major
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Hi, I always thought about doing this but felt like an idiot and still do. I am currently on a mobile device so my spelling may be a bit off.

Max, I live in the U.S. And am bored when I'm not playing baseball or doing something else not boring. So not very often. I started forum about a year and a half ago. I started doing suggestions when a friend pointed them out to me. Most were terrible ideas, like see the battles, which would makemto much lag etc. Etc. I Journeyed to spam about 4 months later, and if I went when I firststarted forums, I would likely be a 2 gen. Spammer. ( viewtopic.php?f=346&t=11967 ) I started liking spam and made some better, not great, suggestions. In spam I got to know some of the peoplemon forums, tellerofpointedstones, themasterofgames, little conquerer, etc. I started liking forums and moved on to some more, like help desk, movies and media, etc. A while later I joined maintenance team, started he ing out here and there, and still do. Now, I'm relaxing in spam and forums, not as active as Id like, but still there, stalking you.

I'd like to say hello to all the new people in forums, and goodbye to those who left ( weeps dramatically, walks over to the third burrow on the left and hugs ferret ) ferret became a bath towel afterwards.

Edit: I've been playing BD for about 2 and half years in total, so not a veteran, but here long enough to no wat BR is. :lol:

Retired AANC Mentor | Retired MT Member | CMoTM | SoTM
IGN(s) : Maxattack, MAXS

Retired player, trying to come back again.

Last edited by maxattack on Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.


 Post subject: Re: Hey, not new, but late is better than never.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:45 pm 
First Lieutenant
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Ferret didn't leave. I'm sure he's watching over us right now. Like you were. :)



 Post subject: Re: Hey, not new, but late is better than never.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:48 pm 
Lieutenant Major
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I Neva said he left... And he probably is. Like me, he has magical spam powers.

Retired AANC Mentor | Retired MT Member | CMoTM | SoTM
IGN(s) : Maxattack, MAXS

Retired player, trying to come back again.


 Post subject: Re: Hey, not new, but late is better than never.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:03 pm 
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Ferret hasn't been very active in spam lately. :(



 Post subject: Re: Hey, not new, but late is better than never.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 2:23 pm 
Lieutenant Major
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NeIther has i

Retired AANC Mentor | Retired MT Member | CMoTM | SoTM
IGN(s) : Maxattack, MAXS

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 Post subject: Re: Hey, not new, but late is better than never.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:31 pm 
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hello *waits for max to give me an order*

Pretty much dead account


 Post subject: Re: Hey, not new, but late is better than never.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:32 pm 
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MmCm6 wrote:
You've made your intro; it is official, and the contract has been sealed. Now you're one of us.

One of us
One of us
One of us


So yeah, I'm the guy everyone eventually hates.

[Advice for the New Player Here]


 Post subject: Re: Hey, not new, but late is better than never.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:45 am 
Lieutenant Major
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MmCm6 wrote:
MmCm6 wrote:
You've made your intro; it is official, and the contract has been sealed. Now you're one of us.

One of us
One of us
One of us

Tenkai wrote:
hello *waits for max to give me an order*

Go get me some gluten free cookies!

Retired AANC Mentor | Retired MT Member | CMoTM | SoTM
IGN(s) : Maxattack, MAXS

Retired player, trying to come back again.


 Post subject: Re: Hey, not new, but late is better than never.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 10:08 am 
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Go spam.



 Post subject: Re: Hey, not new, but late is better than never.
PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:43 am 
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Hello! nice to meetcha in an official capacity cap'n

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