LOL i thought i should reply as i feal really sorry for you BAZINGA no replies yet...go pay people with your reds and make them reply if that will make you feel better kiddo

Alisa and Choka broke the NAP not us and now look alisa is smoking the red stuff cos she has to cheat to beat people now...
Bazinga you and most your team are pathetic asking our allies to attack us and telling people you might not stick to our NAP.
Bring allies idc kiddo you cant fight your battles then close your big mouth and dont get into battles you guys fleed aways soo fast ran behind RIP!
now please stop makiing damage units i dont want the battle to be too easy.
this is the truth not trash talk you...just telling you what you should know before you start shouting your mouth about..
thanks you and goodluck all in E3
