Hey battledawn this is Ak returning from like a year long break from the game. some of you guys may know me from BD classic from 07 - 09. and im just tryin to jump back into the game. I used to go by the name Ak47kid of purple gang or General Ak of purple gangs army. Here are some of my pics of my old coloney sorry i dont have my old LOZ pics exept for the war shots.



here are the warshots if u guys wanted to see
those are the only pics left that i have ill search for more tho. Anyway im not joining any big alliances cuz i wont be that active as i used to be but ill just chill around in newb or whatever untill i get a com.
{EDIT} My old alliances were
GML(one of the subs)
prpl(my alliance)
and some others i dont remeber