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 Post subject: Dream Animation Shop! You dream it, I make it!
PostPosted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:18 pm 
Lieutenant Major
Lieutenant Major
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Joined: Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:04 am
Posts: 2105
My Story
So I used to LOVE drawing when I was under 11, but I've lost my touch. I found this program called Wings 3D that my game designing camp uses. I decided to download it onto my comp. Now here I am 13 years of age and LOVE this program! More than drawing, I can make 3D scenes too! So I want to share some of my animations with you guys. You can also ask me for an animation if you like! But you'll have to download Wings 3D in order to fully see my animations. It's free. In order for me to send you my animations, I will need to have yo on skype so I can send the files through there. Skype is free too, it's like a chat place. My animations are FREE so I'll give them to you, all you need to do is ask!

User requests lines:

When a user wants an animation and posts their request here, they line up here. Please say what exactly you want, if you want color, and any other info you might want to say.

My animations:
If I make any animations I'll put them here. If you don't see the image version then click the name of the animation which will direct you to my image shack account where i put my pictures of the aminations. It WILL NOT open a new window/tab, so press back when you want to go back to this post, dont close it down.

Desc: Even though modern pianos are smaller and still used, the old piano is truly a beautiful work of art from wood and strings. With all 82 keys even! Church organs however have white small keys and black big keys since the white comes from ivory which is harder to press down. The black is just black wood.

Space Station
Desc: Orbiting around a large planet, this space station was built as a research module but now serves as a place for people to live or a kind of hotel. But it could act as a space town too.

Desc: The planet we know best and the only planet known to be able to support life. Some believe there are planets out there... What a wonder it would be to explore new worlds!

Jump/Warp Gate
Desc: This jump gate sits in space usually immobile but can warp ships between solar systems. As you approach the gate and request to jump, you'll see a flash of light and find yourself in a whole other solar system, or sector. (Inspired by EVE Online)

Desc: From the first test missile to this heavy plasmic explosive, shield penetrating, hull splitting projectile. The missile has long been an adequate secondary weapon system for space ships and submarines alike. Both will slash through shields and armor into key systems in ships.

Animations Being Made Right Now:

Saturn ~Finished~
A beautiful ringed planet, yet we know so little about it For now we see pictures, but some day we may be able to visit this wonderful planet! And maybe bounce among it's ring! Also known as a god.

Organ ~Finished~
The amazing boom of the notes sets the scene for any church or other occasions! It takes real skill to dance to it, and even more to play it!

Stationary Ion-Cannon ~Finished~
This is as imobile as a Jump Gate yet as powerful as a battlecuiser's guns fired all at once. This Ion-Cannon can cut though shields, armor, and anything else like a disintegration beam! When aimed upon you, warp out asap!

Park Fountain ~Waiting~

Tree(s) ~Waiting~

Space Ship ~In Progress~

Dream Animation Shop!™
You dream it, I make it!

I am not advertising because I ask for no money and none of the links promote buying anything!



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