There may be several qoutes which i will say [quote] and the persons name as not to take the credit from there hard work.
[qoute from steven] (edited by me for what i needed and what i didn't)
Armored infantry cost 100 metal, and 0 oil. Armored Infantry have 8 HP, 2 Damage, and 1 Range. Range infantry cost 200 metal and 100 oil, and come with 4 HP, 4 Damage, and 3 range, making them the first to strike.
Vehicles are both cost effective, and quite strong too. Armored Vehicles cost 200 metal and 0 oil, and come with 16 HP, 4 Damage, and 1 Range. Range vehicles cost 400 metal and 200 oil, and come with 8 HP, 8 Damage, and 3 Range.
Tanks are a bit costly, but they are definitely worth the price. Armored Tanks cost 300 metal and 0 oil, and come with 24 HP, 6 Damage, and 1 Range. Range tanks cost 600 metal and 300 oil, and come with 12 HP, 12 Damage, and 3 range.
Right so thats the basic info on the units now info from me. I dont like damage thats why It was nt included up there I have my reasons just belive me and it will all work out in the end.
[qoute from steven] (this time it is an exact copy)
Battle System
The battle system is quite easy to understand, but you've got to know these base concepts before you start runnin' around killing units.
1. Concussive = Strong against Infantry
2. Beam = Strong Against Vehicles
3. Explosive = Strong against Tanks
So basically, Beam infantry rips through vehicles, Explosive vehicles tear up tanks, and Concussive tanks eat infantry for breakfast.
KEY:inf=infantry vech/mech = vechicle Bullet=concussive Body= chasis
Right ok so personally its best to get a main army up and running for me like get 300 power through soloing tanks then i build up a sub army. The sub army may be as powerfull as the main but it should be build second otherwise you ll be conqouerd before you can get it up and running so build tanks first so that people will think twice before attacking (although im not saying people will not attack you). Ok so with your power in your tanks build infantry. Thats right INFANTRY. As you will find infantry are a lot cheaper then the tanks your so used to building if your following this guide. Why infantry well there cheap and can be spamed to the point where spaming is powerfull. So build 60 inf Bullet, 60 inf Beam and 60 inf Explosive.
This wont take long as they are soooo cheap ok so what body should they have armour, damage or range. like i said i dont like damage but that does not mean there not good so use them if you want. Right so in a full squad of 30 inf have 15 armour and 15 range. For tanks 3 armour 7 range. Inf are weaker then tanks so need more armour units to take the damage then tanks. Then with your 60 of each wepon (i.e beam bullet explosive) go out conqouring like crazy of couse scan first to see what type of units they have so if they have vechs send in your 60 beam inf. If Tanks send in your 60 explosive inf. If inf send in your 60 bullet inf. Thats about it also dont forget dont just build 60 of each wepon keep building till you have 100 of each ,300,500,600 and so on.
This guide was based on info from my self and qouted by Head moderater steven if you have any ideas to add then please feel free to add.

I hope you rule BD and come second only to me lol