i will be making an alliance called MaSK (M4SK will be sub if we need one...) im not playing to win THIS ERA. but i am trying to make a good team this era and play for top 10 next era (unless good enogh to go for better goal.)
i am not very strict but i want someone who is 1. freindly 2. can work as a team. 3. can make GOOD disisions for him self 4. can listen to my orders 5. uses chat and pm/mass message regularly 6. the ability to be freindly to everyone, wether a sub, a conquer, an admin, ir enemy.
Note: i am not expecting active for this era but maybe next era... but im not too strict.
my requirements are: 1. atleast 12 achievements 2. been in top 10 alliance achievement (a bit flexible on this one) 3. knows strategy and BD strategy (we will try to win on this and not tokens.) 4. atleast 500 blues or red tokens when we start playing for real. easily achievable by voting for a week or two. 5. top 100 player achievement OR shows me proof of being under rank 130 AFTER TICK 150
note to join please repond here and join f1 (if you havent) and then join my alliance.
also wen we play for real lets have are names zelda related as MaSK stands for Majora's Mask, one of the best games ever.(zelda game.)
edit: NOTE: this idea has been delayed till further date.
 (thx to Ind1go for pic.)
PM me if you wanna have some fun