Last era during havoc KIWI got to #1 alliance with 9 relics and I personally got to #5

. People were already recruited from last era along with some friends of mine so some subs may be full but we still have openings. Also we already have some powerful allies from last era.
Kiwi is located in the middle bottom island with its 3 subs called Kewe, Kiwz, and Kewz. We are very powerful/organized and will soon have control over the whole landmass and more. If you join please dont attack nearby people who may be joining or wells/mines there ause Kiwi/subs members are already getting them and have each one planned out for who. If you have any questions just message in the world or leave a comment here and I can see what I can do about answering those. Any other subs other than the listed one may be fakes and do not join them. Good luck and I will hopefully see you there.