Hi there Alexander & Xzyckon,
Well I used Mordor 20, 25 years ago to add some 'scare & mysterie' to my party of Quest, a party that started of with five people, a priest, a warrior, a thief, and a wizard and one by choice, once a week you had to fill in an order form and send it to the PBM there all orders were collected, manually entered in to a computer the size of a small shed and then the results of all the actions and interactions of all the characters were send back to us, the players. (people from all over europe played it)
So,... mordor.
And Orcs well, as a classification of my exes, yes. I started off with a Gremlin, moved up through a Ghoul and a Goblin, to end up with one of the foulest Orcs of the fourth Era, (so close to an Ogre not even Shrek would know the difference!)
If I am, in any way, involved in a relationship right now? No I decided to stay single for a while, in fear of what would come next,...
And then Mordor was known only to a selected few nerds who managed to get through the books, today, it is somewhat like the new mythology, the LoR (lol) and the story of the X men & the Avengers; which is great,... my son and I can relate in so many ways because of that,... I knew I would be provided a great excuse for all those years of collecting comics and reading fantasy.)
If I was a nerd? Most certainly, but one with fists of lightning and the neck of a bull, added to that; a skill set at Street Fighter 2 on the Super Nintendo
so it was not a problem

Thank you very much Xzyckon,
For answering all my questions. I had read it a few days ago, but something keeps demanding my attention,... takes up all my time,... lol. ( have to build, collect, remodel,... subtract items, get tokens,... my precious,... oh jeez,...
What I meant about 'rounds' was actually the number of missions, you have to complete,... to complete the normal, hard & Insane modes. (I am not sure if you can tell me, or rather if it is allowed, but I would like to have an estimate of the amount of keys I will need, and how many tokens I will need to buy those keys,.... so I know how much tokens I can use to expand my collection. It is possible to use Tokens to buy money In the game,.... PLEASE don't ever do it the other way around; I can see myself sitting,... surrounded with stacks of take out & pizza boxes,... a beard, that would make Methusalem cry,.... and not being able to stop clicking, even when I am not 'on the mouse' anymore.
Thanks again for your answers. Oh and I posted a little wishlist for Christmas, actually it felt more like Luther nailing his list of, what was it 112 suggestions, to the church door, which of course started the ( well we call it the 'Beeldenstorm' I have no idea what word is used in English, but it started the 'Dark Ages', people critizising the catholic church, and destroying their Idols).
I would just like for Super Mechs to get even more addictive,.... hahahaha. ok gotta go.
Have a good one.
No not doing it this time,... oh what the he,...
Mordor Rules! Hail Sundonak!
( No Sundonak, is not some misspelled East-German kind of guy,... no he was the Lord of Justice and the God of War,... hahaha,... all that from 20 years ago, still so clear, but when I am at the supermarket, or the Mall,... I haven't a clue what I went there for in the first place.
And I end up with so much more stuff, food, and drink, when I come in now, I can see the guys who keep the shop stocked and the racks filled thinking,... 'not that guy again, we'll have to order another truck again just to restock on toiletpaper, garbagebags, and cleaning towles alone!')