Please write in the message that era end during tick 3000 and not at start or end of the tick.
[5:22:17 PM] Viruxed: after 7 minutes, g2 will stop.?
[5:23:24 PM] Viruxed: hey
[5:23:35 PM] Tom Routh: g2 is over already
[5:23:36 PM] Viruxed: we will end rank1 , we will boost at last moment
[5:23:42 PM] Tom Routh: it's already over
[5:23:46 PM] Viruxed: no

[5:23:49 PM] Tom Routh: don't waste your tokens
[5:23:55 PM] Tom Routh: era ends at thestart of tick 3000
[5:23:56 PM] Tom Routh: not the end
[5:24:02 PM] Tom Routh: the final score shows you 10 score behind
[5:24:17 PM] Viruxed: no, last tik we were 80 score behind
[5:24:27 PM] Tom Routh: take a look in he hall off ame
[5:24:31 PM] Tom Routh: it's a 10 score margin
[5:24:34 PM] Viruxed: we made 10 score diff just 5 minutes ago
[5:26:19 PM] Tom Routh: eeh
[5:26:22 PM] Viruxed: cant you redo ? :p
[5:26:25 PM] Tom Routh: nope
[5:27:27 PM] Viruxed: now in message at tik 1, write that era ends on tick 2999
[5:27:39 PM] Tom Routh: no
[5:27:42 PM] Tom Routh: it ends 3000
[5:27:48 PM] Tom Routh: 3000 oes not mean the end of 3000
[5:27:51 PM] Tom Routh: it means during tick 3000
[5:27:58 PM] Viruxed: DURING :/
[5:28:02 PM] Tom Routh: yes
[5:28:09 PM] Tom Routh: if you rwally want to push it
[5:28:10 PM] Tom Routh: it's the start
[5:28:13 PM] Tom Routh: definitely not the end
[5:28:16 PM] Tom Routh: so you definitely idn't win
[5:28:16 PM] Tom Routh: lol
[5:28:20 PM] Viruxed: you ruined our plans, we were waiting to boost reds at last moments for workers
[5:28:26 PM] Tom Routh: sorry, but that's the way it is
[5:28:29 PM] Tom Routh: it is not EOT
[5:28:34 PM] Tom Routh: for exactly that reason
[5:28:40 PM] Viruxed: you came online and saved the ranks
[5:28:50 PM] Tom Routh: i came online and endd the world
[5:28:53 PM] Tom Routh: on the tick it wss upposed to end
[5:29:15 PM] Tom Routh: it has never been end of tick 3000
[5:29:15 PM] Tom Routh: on any world
[5:29:27 PM] Viruxed: sometimes it ends later than 3k
[5:29:41 PM] Tom Routh: if it does, that's an admin error
[5:29:48 PM] Tom Routh: unless it's a world that run till 3500
[5:29:51 PM] Tom Routh: which there are some of
[5:30:32 PM] Viruxed: before i lived you as an admin, now i am starting to hate you :'(
[5:31:48 PM] Tom Routh: every world is the same
[5:31:52 PM] Tom Routh: amnd let's be fair
[5:31:59 PM] Tom Routh: did you ever send me a message to make sure?
[5:32:04 PM] Tom Routh: I would have told you
[5:32:28 PM] Viruxed: i did asked, but same time you sent tokens, so that means it was end
[5:32:39 PM] Tom Routh: you never asked me
[5:32:50 PM] Tom Routh: Hey Tom, does it end at EOT or start or what?
[5:33:05 PM] Tom Routh: for what it's worth, IR pushed their score in the last minutes too
[5:33:07 PM] Viruxed: yes,i didnt asked that, i just asked if it will be over after 7 minutes
[5:33:08 PM] Tom Routh: so it wouldn't have worked
[5:33:22 PM] Viruxed: we were refreshing everytime to see updated score
[5:33:44 PM] Tom Routh: yup
[5:33:50 PM] Tom Routh: anyways, I have to go cook a barbeque
[5:34:00 PM] Viruxed: wish i was there to steal it
[5:34:10 PM] Tom Routh: lol
[5:34:32 PM] Viruxed: I hope it gets burnt, and then you will blame me
[5:34:55 PM] Tom Routh: it's delicious
[5:34:58 PM] Tom Routh: laters
[5:34:59 PM] Viruxed: damn