Well, TWSS is currently being attacked by H1N1 over a silly incident involving myself and Chimp. I took a gold mine, then a noob alliance took my gold mine and H1N1 then took that gold mine, to which I did not pay attention, (nor did I care) to who took my gold mine, so I attacked it. I was inactive at this time and sent an attack and then left BD for a while.
I later found a message after logging back in that Chimp owned this gold mine and demanded that I turn my attack around or face war with H1N1 (which at the time I read this, I had already re-taken the gold mine). I responded a bit hostilely, I will admit, but with nothing more than what was most likely the cold hard truth.
I explained that the Gold mine was originally mine and that it being more than 48 ticks away from his colony and fairly close to mine, that he was most definitely not entitled to it in anyway (although, i will admit, nor is it entitled to me necessarily). I no longer have the original message sent to me by Chimp, however I do still (barely) have my response; which was this.

Chimp's response back to me was simply "Done"
Now I never confirmed whether or not Oracle (the leader of TWSS at the time of the incident) ever received a message from Chimp, as I was inactive due to having a lot of work due in real life, but either way, Oracle did not mark H1N1 as hostile to which my members were unpleasantly surprised by H1N1 attacks that started to come around tick 820ish. Which in all honesty, i was quite surprised about considering we exchanged this unpleasant conversation at tick 713 and 100 ticks later they start their attacks. Granted, that's only 2 days later, but i would have expected assaults to appear earlier. But now, at tick 1025 (about 4 days later), the brunt of the war seems to be finally brewing. TWSS has suffered greatly due to recent members quitting and inactivity of some members due to real life problems (one of them being myself).
So with a war about to start, it looks like H1N1 has sent an estimated 1650 units to attack us, mostly cavalry.
After doing some intel, I estimate around 35 infantry units(2%), 1235 cavalry units(74%), and 380 heavy units(23%). With this info, I estimate around 685 slashing units(41%), 380 piercing units(23%), and 585 crushing units(35%).
This should prove to be an interesting war (hopefully). I've seen many of the H1N1 members play before and I know them to be active, powerful and experienced. To the outcome, let us see where the tides of war take us ^^
Best of luck to both sides (i'm a bit biased though).