So this is my first game guide. I'm a veteran of Battle Dawn - Played all the old servers and will miss it

but I'm a ember of the Number 1. Alliance in the old Earth 4.

. This is the guide to be No 1. from beginning to End.
[color=#00FF00]Im sorry if this sounds harsh.
It isen't.
First of all you need a distinguished leader. I recommend someone thats online a lot, friendly, has some experience and dedicated to the game. The leader must be able to co-ordinate squads and help his fellow members out. He should always be finding new ways of improving an alliance. Without a good leader, you'll all be fighting without any co-operation or team work. The leader is vital.
So your an alliance and you need members. First of all when you've started the round you should already either
1. Have friends willing to join
2. Preexisting one last round.
3. Skilled/active/loyal players you know.The beginning is important to have 4 members at least. This is so you can protect each other. Once you've established 4 members, select one of them for scouting.
Having only 4 members to begin whit , whi'll get you killed nearly certainly.Scouting
One member of the 4 at least goes scouting for future members and informs the leader. The others will try and make their alliance rise above others.
You mean recruiting?Early Stages
So, once you start you will notice that everyone around you is protected. There are 2 ways of getting quick conquers at the beginning. You need conquers to produce food etc.
Food will be gone in the new client , conquers are not worth getting for their res either.1. Leave protection quick and donate and build constructions then advance with attacks.
2. Stay in protection, gather lots of resources and then rush to build units.
scrap 2. , 1. gives your more resourcesTheir is a 3rd way though. This one comprises of just regular stuff.
3. Build normally and build units occasionally. This is risky so I recommend you use this when you are in a place where there aren't any rival alliances.
Follow on
So once you've managed to have full members and a good reputation - do this. The follow on.
You split up in Twos or 3's and in each continent try and bring it under control early. this should take you about 1000 ticks but if you manage it you'll be No 1.
Controlling the world in 1000 ticks is not possible. Mid -way
So as I said it should be over 1000 ticks and therefore you should all relocate back together slowly. if you all relocate together without an army its hard to protect each other. Relocate in the pairs you were given in the different continents. So once your all together you'll notice that there are other strong alliances as well so, you need to make a Protection field.
Recolating at tick 1000 is way to late , 400 is better.Protection Field.
Anything thats in 5 ticks away attack or any colonies conquer and force relocate. This will make it hard fro rival alliances to attack you so its very good.
Build,build, and Build!
Once you have the protection field aim on building constructions and units this should go on for 500 ticks.
make sure you have a variety. Remember each unit has a weakness.
Soldiers lose to Tanks
Vechs lose to Soldiers
Tanks lose to Vechs
Tanks do not have a advantage over inf . , only the veh->tank , inf->veh , bonus is only 25% (which is lower compared to the weapon type penalty , i also suggest using only 1 chassis (as a player , not allaince) due to less chance of range lossesThere are also a variety of weapons.
Concussive are good V Soldiers
Beam V Vechs
Explosive V Tanks
There are also different bonuses
Armor - Basic - takes most damage in battle
Damage - inflicts more damage
Range - First to fire a shot in battle.
Shield Generator
Its good if you make all your alliance members build shield gen so you can power each others shields when their not on. its good to give you time to defend against the enemy or attack their OP's.
Money banking
Simple but relies on you not going crazy. Every-time someone gains 10000 metal or oil - it's shared between members. it dose require some common sense.
Attacking NEWBS
Basic form of attacking - a method called draw and attack. You build lets say 10 units and split them into 10 1 man squads. Use one of them to attack their OP and capture it. The NEWB will try and get it back, so you can attack its colony unharmed. This will get you lots of conquers.
Before your done whit this , somobody else will have the conqeur.Defending against NEWBS
Never seen it happen but if they bother you relocate them far away.
I recommend you make allies of the alliances near you that are GOOD.
Or make allies with Powerful ones but be careful not too make too many.
again , no , this only weakens you.Attacking Close Alliances
if you decide against making a peace treaty with close alliances make sure you plant spies near them. They will probably mostly have Soldiers so EMP them! once that is done, move in with squads and attack all the colonies at the SAME time so its all for one and one for all. Once you conquered and taken crystals from them RELOCATE them or relocate yourself.
Renew Members
its harsh but fair. Make a deadline for members to have a certain score or they'll get kicked. Only do this if you are a top alliance. Then make sure you have members in backup.
Not taking activity , skill , teamwork and loyalty is considering is a HUGE mistake , ive seen enough low ranked players , end highAttacking Alliances Far Away
1. Save up oil
2. Build training bases 12 ticks away from them
The will spot it quick enough.3. keep building units
4. Group up a massive army and then slowly move it closer.
to slow = more time for the enemy to prepare.5. Settle down once you're 5 ticks away.
6. When they're least expecting it KABOOM attack all at once.
If their good enough , the will except it , at every single time.Attacking alliances over water
1. Save up oil and energy.
2. Gate your troops to nearby coast but leave some behind.
3. Nuke their barracks, this will degrade them and vaporize some units and may make them starve to death.
no food in NC.--------------------------------Website-----------------------------------
OFFICAL ByE4 website made by me!
http://bye4.webs.comENJOY!! HOPEFULLY YOUR NO 1. NOW!