So by now most on E2 should know about UD fighting ILoM I am going to put more information in this. It is from the Rev point of view so it starts of before UD entered combat. During this I tried to be as non biased as possible and get as much information as I could into this but this is shown from the view of 1 team if you have valid information that you would like to add please do so to provide a more round view on it all
Beginning background:
Tick 3300
ILoM was NAP with Rev who was allied to IND
At this time the rankings (if I remember correctly) were 8, 11, and 17 (ILoM,Rev,IND)
UD (rank 5) was building outposts in the area north/west of Japan but Rev was working on preventing them from settling down and was eliminating outposts as well as lingering outposts of ApEx,Res and other top alliances with stuff in the area
At around tick 3430 a Rev member (who had not yet relocated to hive and was in the midway distance of the two alliances) was attacked and conquered by ILoM, Rev retaliated against the nearby outpost of ILoM, a message was sent to ILoM accusing of treachery ILoM did not reply or deny it which = war
During this time Rev forces pulled north and started attacking /defending in a static line about 2/3 of the way between the hives
NOTICE: I did not archive the diplomatic messages from Rev to ILoM so it will be there word vs. ours if they choose to argue but that is a trivial matter in all this at best
Rev was fighting ILoM for a good time without too much ground change (most of the fighting was around 2/3 of the way to ILoM with nukes and occasional squads passing in both directions) in this time the attacks on UD outposts were reduced but not ceased UD gained more strength in the area. At tick 3610 this message was received from UD leader

Rev spoke to them and nap was formed UD training bases sprung up marking UDs preparations for war.
The fighting continued more or less the same outposts taken and lost by both sides mainly minor fights nukes flying and so on not many big things until tick 3833 to 3900 at this tick range many important things happened very quickly.
At tick 3833 IND backstabbed Rev creating a war on two fronts for Rev. INDs attacks only took outposts and their proximity to Rev put them at a good disadvantage and rev was able to come in and do some quick damage.
Shortly after closer to tick 3900 UD commenced their attack on ILoM them and Rev were able to jam ILoM radar and UD quickly moved in. Rev was supposed to follow suit but was delayed by the fact that there were still IND forces scattered around to attend to and ILoM border still had some troops defending it.
Currently UD is on a rampage in the middle of ILoM and SKN has started attacking Rev suspected to be due to a relationship with ILoM
Shown below is a picture of ILoM being attacked by UD and I must congratulate them on their success there.

I hope UD can post some very nice BR on here Rev may be able to post a few but I am sure UDs are much bigger and nicer to look at