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 Post subject: China, Russia, North Korea vs USA?
PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:22 pm 
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A couple of friends and I were discussing the election of Obama and have realized that the cuts he is about to make to the military will be pretty drastic. Through further discussion, we came to this conclusion:

-China will (already is starting to) control us economically
-Russia will control us military wise
-North Korea will control us politically
Maybe not in that particular portion...but basically China, Russia, and North Korea will dominate us.

This is obviously just a theory, but is based on the following:

Russian spies have been found in the CIA once again, however they are so good at hiding their tracks now, that it is nearly impossible to find the perpetrators. They already have infiltrated our main commerce system. Who knows what else they have on us...
China's military is rapidly growing, while we are getting cuts. Because of this China's military is supposed to greatly exceed America's in the next 5-10 years.
North Korea has stated that their nuclear missiles can now hit as far as Kansas.

Obama has told the people not to worry about Russian spies, is going to continue to cut military spending AND increase our deficit. The spending cut is supposed to cut 1500-15000 army personnel on the spot. The only possible bright side to all of this is that America has spies all over the world, which I wouldn't doubt at all.

What do you guys think about all of this?


 Post subject: Re: China, Russia, North Korea vs USA?
PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:45 pm 
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ok let me break this down for you in the most simple way possible
USA- we spend more on military than the other top 10 contries combined so honestly militarily we are dominate in so many ways china may have the numbers but they do not have the war technolagy and fighting capabilities than we do
CHINA-um they do not own us economicly the united states and china are co-dependant on each other so basically if 1 falls the other goes down with it
RUSSIA- their military is nothing compared to the united states as i had said the united states is by far the biggest spender on military and in NATO for the example it is mostly the united states because the other countries are slowig us down because they are not nearly as advanced as the united states
North Korea- they are a very very unstable and corrupt nation and is basically a ticking time bomb for any1 in the world however as far as the nukes we do have the technology to stop a nuke with an emp bomb which would stop the nuke in it's tracks before it had any chance at reaching the united states

as far as our deficit clearly you dont know a thing about this our debt had started shortly after clinton was out of office when he had a surplus econamy, presidant bush thought that he could put in tax cuts and be able to afford it but it turned out he was wrong which had started the deficit and the bush tax cuts have not expired yet (will soon and if you've ever heard of the fiscal cliff republicans are actually going to let go of their strict never raising taxes ideas and actually let obama raise taxes when the bush tax cuts expire) which has showed in the past (clinton and reagan) that raising taxes do work (yes reagon did raise taxes and later cut them by an amount lesser than he raised them to keep the people happy but still get the job done) but anyhow the only reason that we entered an insanely large deficit was that the stock market had crashed just before obama could get into office and do something about it and our spending had to rapidly increase so our econamy didnt enter in a worse crisis than it is in now

hope you find this informative and answers your quistion the way you wanted it answered

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 Post subject: Re: China, Russia, North Korea vs USA?
PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:09 pm 
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Obama has spent billions of dollars on aid to other countries. He has taken the debt we had before his term and TRIPLED it. Regardless of the stock market dropping...he has spent a ridiculous amount of money on stuff we seriously don't need to worry about. The Democrats even had full control of Congress during Obama’s first two years in office. They were in a position to push through just about anything that they wanted to. But just about everything that did get through Congress during those two years was full of really, really bad ideas. Analysts are saying that the National Debt will top $20 trillion in 2016, the final year of his second term..

And I see what you are saying about the military...because a lot of people say the same thing. But have you ever thought because of our advanced technology that we may NEED that money? My best friends hanger trainers were taken away because of the cuts. However, I did some research, Obama is talking about not going through with the Military Spending Cuts...

About China economically...I dont know if you have heard, but China, Russia, India, Brazil, and South Africa are discussing possibly changing their currency to the Euro. I've been thinking about it for a while, and yea, China does rely on us just the same.

Question you are telling me that if China, Russia, AND North Korea launched a full scale attack on America, America would win?


 Post subject: Re: China, Russia, North Korea vs USA?
PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:27 pm 
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ok let me answer this to you little by little
obviously you completely ignored what i had stated about a big bush tax cuts still being in place which is a cause to our deficit increasing. and yes we did spend loads of money on our econamy because several things were just getting out of hand and the only reason we didnt go to unemployement 2X as high is because of that spending
now a quistion to end this off would you rather our homeland be economically struggling or would you rather be in a debt that's not hurting us at all?
and obama got obamacare through in those years (dont you dare bash on it unless you want to explain in full details of what the policy stated in it actually does)

as far as our foriegn policy in other contries helping them i'll list a few examples of some countries

IRAN: what we are doing in there by using crippling sanctions is to try and stop them from developing a nuclear weapon (they have not showed us what they are doing still which shows they are doing something very shady) and they have said that they want to blow isreal off the map if they do then isreal (who also has nukes) will definately retaliate and send out everything they have in retaliation and end up making the middle east a nuclear wasteland (not to mention the horrible global environmental problems that would spread) and with that being a wasteland we will not be able to be getting oil from there which would hurt the united states a lot (which would really hurt our military because it runs on oil)

now your last quistion if all those countries ganged up on us would we win. tbh yes we would because we have allies in europe that would back us up and would make it an easy win. now lets say we fight this alone even though that is an unrealistic assumption we could still manage to take on all of those countries because 1 we have the sea as our borders and our navy is a lot more advanced and as we have shown in past wars (WW2) that we just mass produce materials, when we were fighting japan we started out with 1 air craft carrier and they had 6 or 7 by the end of that war we had produced 22 or 23 and japan hadnt made a single AC carrier. this still applies today because of our great ability to mass produce.
which anyhow that hypothetical quistion isnt logical either because china for 1 is dependant on us and would never war against the united states

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 Post subject: Re: China, Russia, North Korea vs USA?
PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:38 pm 
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Umm you just talked about how Obama is spending too much and then you put something like this:

"But have you ever thought because of our advanced technology that we may NEED that money? "

Good grief, do you even know how to argue? You're arguing your own argument all in one reply.

And the reason Obama had to spend all that money was to stop the accelerating collapse of our economy. We were losing 780,000 jobs a month( ... _blog.html) so of course some spending had to take place in order to stop that massive bleeding. Obama in the next 4 years is planning to lower our deficit responsibly which includes:
1. Degrading Military infrastructure
2. Loopholes for Big corporations
3. Closing welfare loopholes
4. Raising taxes on families making well over $250,000
(Warren Buffet also recently stated he wouldn't mind compromising with Republicans by raising the "bar" for the rich at $500,000)
and increasing tax rates on corporations making well over $13 million.

So I'm not sure where you are getting this "Obama will raise deficit to $20 trillon by 2016" idea from, because he has not even said a single thing about spending another $6-8 trillion dollars we don't even have. Obviously he is trying to compromise with Republicans to get this situation under control.


 Post subject: Re: China, Russia, North Korea vs USA?
PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 11:41 pm 
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What you said was stupid, there are treaties in place making sure that the USE of WMD's is extremely prohibited. Also the U.S. is under the protection of NATO and NATO consists of the U.S. U.K. France, Germany I think, I also think Canada is under NATO and most other well developed countries along the atlantic ocean. If the U.S. Was to be fired at with a WMD from any country, the U.S. And NATO would be able to fire WMD's at China and North Korea


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 Post subject: Re: China, Russia, North Korea vs USA?
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 1:56 am 
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as Jake mentioned, there are lots of other countries, not only US, China, Russia and North Korea will involve. First let's get on with the reason why they would go against each other.

China, Taiwan and South Korea is currently having a dispute with Japan over several islands. So if China go to war with Japan, according to the MDP that Japan had with US, US has to fight against China. And with China vs Japan, Taiwan and South Korea are going in also.

Recently, US has put a radar in Japan, publicly said that it's for the North Korea's long range nuclear missile, this once again raise the tension between North Korea with US and Japan.

Meanwhile, North Korea is currently relying a lot in China, that's why no doubt North Korea will gonna join forces. However, we shouldn't forget about the tension between the North Korea and the South, which is gradually increasing. So if they ever go to war, North Korea will have to sort out with the South before they can go in against Japan.

And not to mention all the army in the South East Asia, which several country is having a big dispute over the sea area, including Vietnam, Philippine and Myanmar.

NATO and the UN forces won't be standing outside either, they seem to be against China in every disputes, hence they will join the war against China.

Russia didn't say anything about the dispute, neither support or against China, so I doubt they would join the war.

So if it happen, it would be China + Taiwan + Korea (South and North, if they ever cooperate) against nearly the whole world. Not really a good sight to see...



 Post subject: Re: China, Russia, North Korea vs USA?
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:27 am 
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No contest, USA wins. USA outspends everyone in terms of military.

Regarding your first delusional post

North Korea cant invade South korea without getting annihilated for minor gains then complete defeat as the South are rich and after a trade will rebound hard. Heck, North Korea cant feed themselves without foreign aid. imo, Pakistan has better military capacity than North Korea. North Korea say their rockets can hit as far as Kansas, their last showing of a rocket launch was a complete dud, it hit the ocean, fell far short of the target, did miserably and merely demonstrated how far behind they are militarily.

China's economy will literally implode the second they go to war with USA and then USA goes "debt? What debt? Can we pay in ordinance and dropped bombs?" USA cranks up the war machine (federal spending goes through the roof, like all war time spending, but the economy doesnt die. China just catches on fire, their ability to sell to Europe and USA leads to all major manufacturing companies dropping and dying.

Russia cant do anything. They wont get invaded by the US, too much attrition, too costly to cover that much land, but I have a feeling with a coalition like that, Europe (NATO) will side with USA thus creating a disgustingly strong 2nd front of France, UK, Germany which can probably take Moscow imo.

China's military cannot, I mean cannot, exceed the US's unless USA decide that jets, bombers, tanks and rockets should all be scrapped to make a giant water slide theme park.

"1500-15000 army personnel on the spot." 1. Where did you get that number? Its an entire freaking magnitude in range. 2. Did you not hear? The Iraq war is considered over, Obama had to withdraw based on writings Bush put into place.

2nd delusion post of yours.

USA can take a 50% cut in military spending and still outspend everyone who counts.

You complain about the deficit, then you complain about cuts. WHICH DO YOU WANT? Grover Norquist has ruled out increased taxes to pay off debt.

You know that massive "spend" that was stimulus?
Most of it was tax breaks. 288 billion right out of the coffers in tax breaks alone. ... 00154.html
Heck, you can see how most of it was reactive spending and tax breaks, to prevent the damage that Bush and the bubble had caused.


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 Post subject: Re: China, Russia, North Korea vs USA?
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 12:56 pm 
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Is this even a contest? LOL.

First off, the US outspends what the next 25 countries combined?

Secondly, the US is atleast 50 years ahead of everybody else when it comes to military technology. So in a strategic war, the US wins hands down. There is absolutely no other country that can come close to beating the US in a strategic war.

China and Russia do not even come close to the US when it comes to military tech. As an example, the Chinese air force operates around 1500 combat aircraft.

Out of these, 500 are F7s (Copy of Mig 21s) and around 500 are Shengyang J8s. (A 1960 interceptor aircraft). So atleast half their fleet is outdated. When it comes to their Navy, their navy is qualitatively even weaker than India (which has the worlds 4th or 5th largest Navy), and they have zero experience operating a Carrier battle group. The US? Has more aircraft carriers than others combined.

Russia is probably the second strongest, but even they have lots of outdated aircraft like the Su 25. But they have lots of good 4.5 gen aircraft like the Su 30/35s, the Su 27 Flankers and the Mig 29 UPGs

And North Korea????!! :lol: South Korea would make pickle out of North Korea in a war. North Korea has like 30 Mig 29s and other WW2 and post WW2 vintage aircraft. Pffft.

When it comes to size, just to give you an idea of how strong the US is, the entire NAVAL AIR ARM of the United States is bigger than the Chinese AIR FORCE.

So qualitatively, quantitatively and technologically the US is way way way ahead. So Barak Obama is not really making the US weak.

Check this:

The only reason the US MIGHT lose a war, is if they try invading countries like India, China and Russia. That will be a logistical nightmare. But then again, this is not the days of WW2. Such things dont happen. You gain air superiority, and then have a field day through integrated attacks (Using airforce, close air support, missiles, navy and the land forces)

Deadman - SYN


 Post subject: Re: China, Russia, North Korea vs USA?
PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2012 2:41 pm 
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got a question, why the (Want to be allies? Sometimes I like to pretend I am a princess riding a pony..) does america need a big army? do they plan to start WW3 or something? there is absolutely no reason to have an army like that, canadas army is, last time i checked, only like 100 000 personnel, not sure about vehicles and what not but were gonna start building some new warships in a year or 2



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