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 Post subject: Is there a tech tree anywhere?
PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 6:13 pm 

Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:50 am
Posts: 4
Hi everyone,

I'm a noob. I was wondering if a tech tree was available so I can know in advance that to get a soldier with the capabilities of x I need to build a, b or c? Otherwise I'm building almost at random as the in game information/tutorial is pretty limited.

Thanks in advance


 Post subject: Re: Is there a tech tree anywhere?
PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:47 pm 

Joined: Tue Jun 02, 2009 11:22 pm
Posts: 77
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go to the adopt a newb center. someone will help you. i would but atm im pretty busy. dont even know why im online.

Image ~Venstro


 Post subject: Re: Is there a tech tree anywhere?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:11 am 
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go to "colony" (the hous like building in the top left corner), then "structures", there u will find the things u can upgrade :)
both units and resource income :D

Thank you Michael
Thank you developers
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 Post subject: Re: Is there a tech tree anywhere?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 10:04 am 
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The tech tree is the same as the old client.

BD Mastermind
Proud member of Sky, "Record breaking".


 Post subject: Re: Is there a tech tree anywhere?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 6:07 pm 

Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:50 am
Posts: 4
Thanks everyone but most suggestions don't help. The tree within the outpost gives hardly any information and the limited info it gives is only for the next level. For example how would any new person know that to get range weapons they would have to start by building a Beam weapons workshop, then explosive weapons, followed by an damage upgrade? Let alone know what units this would allow them to build. This information is fairly important stuff. Then again there's a good possibility that I'm a complete idiot and this info is in the forums and I just haven't found it yet!

Thanks for the answers though.


 Post subject: Re: Is there a tech tree anywhere?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 8:03 pm 
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there is a adopt a noob program, sign up if u want tips and have questions :D

u can also broadcast it ;)

Thank you Michael
Thank you developers
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 Post subject: Re: Is there a tech tree anywhere?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 9:51 pm 
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The things your searching for probably arent on the forums.

This entire game just changed less than a week ago along with the forums. thats why you will notice many servers are unplayable because they are still in the old client. most veterans are still as lost with this as you and there arent guides yet (if there are there are few). The tech tree is pretty hard to explain but I'll try.

Top Row: the higher level you have the faster your workers will grow and the bigger your colony will get.

Second Row: The higher level you have here the faster you get metal.

Third Row: The higher the faster you get oil

Fourth Row: Higher here the faster you get energy.

fifth row: these are your converters. they are the least important structures for you to have and I cant explain them because they might be different from the old client. Dont worry about these.

sixth row: you need the barrack to train units. after that you get vehicle chassis upgrades available, then tanks available. after tanks it should be nukes... but again it might be different.

7th row: Weapon workshops. the first 2 are to get beam (anti vehicle) and explosive (anti tank). after that you get damage upgrade (a more deadly weapon) then range (an even more deadly weapon) troop customization is alot more complex than this but you will learn with experience.

8th row: Spys... not sure about these... might be different, youll learn the basics with experiementation and time playing.

9th row: Radars.

Overall: focus on resources structures early, and youll learn the rest from experience.



 Post subject: Re: Is there a tech tree anywhere?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:16 am 

Joined: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:50 am
Posts: 4
Cheers ARF, Learn as we go heh heh ;)


 Post subject: Re: Is there a tech tree anywhere?
PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:21 am 
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jbwoff22 wrote:
go to the adopt a newb center. someone will help you. i would but atm im pretty busy. dont even know why im online.

Did you go to the adopt a newb center and find yourself a mentor yet?
I know you said you are busy but I think it would help you in the long run.

This game sucks; you have been fore warned.


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