WarrMachine wrote:
Its called a floor buff.
Great Youtube vid, WarrMachine. Also, super psyched that you put your voice on it unlike some of this community's yt posters.
I had no idea that the Power Pads changed the mouseover data as well. That is heartening to know I don't have to do mental 30% calculations all the time.
I know that resistance (player's mech) shows up on mouseovers, too. I never really bothered to check if negative resistance does the same thing.
I guess it is not a bug, its a feature. I have two shotguns now and while I don't like the lack of reliability, I do like upping the odds on beating a player with a superior (more mythical) consistent build.
On my heat build there was always a huge dropoff of players that couldn't cool fast enough and I could beat them without the shotgun, and then moving on to players that would definitely cool fast enough and I would win on shotgun luck alone.
It is pertinent to note to players that find high shotgun damage to be irksome that if you are in a situation that is less likely to win, that risking a shotgun blast could also result in the alternative result of
practically no damage that could lead you to victory. Shotguns are also on the heavy side of the weapon spectrum and require ammunition so all that power isn't exactly without a cost. Imagine drawing sub 30 dmg multiple times in a row. You don't get that weight and that bullets module slot back.