1696572100641693-1480012818 wrote:
Hey i am aware that you gave 2 gold boxes to everyone but i didn't not receive it this must have been an error i am guessing please fix the bug i am looking forward to geting the boxes i have not received it yet but if you can't give me it then give tokens but and if you do give me the golden boxes i am expecting extra golden or hopefully mythical boxes because of this bug or error and me having to wait so i am expecting extra mythical boxes or extra to tokens. This is such a disappointment if you give me extra mythical boxes i will rate 5 stars and make a video on my youtube channel and give a shoutout for your game that is only if you give me lots of things like mythical items or boxes or tokens or coins. Please give me the boxes hopefully mythically boxes and tokens with coins and xp for this bug and wait thank you my nickname is Kiryu
Sorry, these were given out prior to your account being made